
So yesterday at lunch, a conversation a few friends and I were having got out of hand and we started talking about “shooting up our school.” It was obviously not meant as a serious threat, but apparently one of my friends took it that way. I was picked as the leader of the conversation and am now suspended and have no clue what to think of it. Besides this infraction I have never gotten a referral or anything of the matter. I am an A-B student and am a part of a good bit of extra-curricular activities. Will colleges, specifically Clemson, look at this suspension and go on to the next student or do I still have a shot?

You got suspended for talking about shooting up your school? If your parents are in a good financial state I would get a students rights lawyer and fight this. Talking about a crime is not illegal unless there are actions of furtherance in which it would be conspiracy. Did you at any point direct your friends to buy anything? Did you ever actually obtain anything to commit the crime? This is complete bullshit and I know what you must be feeling because I was in a similar boat sophomore year. Take a stand man.

To answer your question your going to need to talk to your consoler. I would ask if she was going to tell Clemson because that decision is really in her hands. Man I really feel for you. But at the end of the day everything is going to be fine.

While talking about “shooting up the school” may not be a crime it is definitely against most school policies. Schools have the right to enforce their own policies whether you think it is right or not. Smoking is not illegal but it against school policies and most states do have laws that make it illegal to smoke on school property. The schools have the right to enforce their “no tolerance” polices regarding threats against the school whether they are real, perceived, or acted on.

With that said, you may be able to somehow convince someone that it was not a real threat.

This is either a prank posting, or intended to inflame emotions, since the identical story is posted for several different universities) with only the school name changed. Plus, anyone who has ever attended a university knows that a. this kind of behavior violates student codes of conduct, and can result in suspension; b. suspensions come with a letter and/or meeting explaining the suspended student’s rights and the hearing process. If the purported reader is anything other than a 1st semester freshman who didn’t bother to read the student manual, then his stupidity is a far greater threat to his future than the alleged suspension (and probably part of the reason he was suspended - normal, intelligent students aren’t this blantantly stupid). Good luck, but if this is a true situation, then your future is pretty much history. Middle-level retail manager should be looking pretty attractive right now.

Ignore ALbaO11. Fight the school on this. This is your future we are talking about here. You obviously had no intentions of inflicting any actual harm on your school; get a good lawyer and fight this. You should have a solid case.