Susquehanna University Honors Program

My daughter recently received a letter stating that she has been chosen to participate in Susquehanna University’s honors program. If anyone has any information or recommendations about this program, I would be very interested in your advise/recommendations. The information in the letter sounds good, but I know from experience with my other children that some programs are not as beneficial as others.

My daughter was in the Honors program. She is now in her second year at the school and was very happy to drop the honors program for this year. She is a hard worker, responsible and all of that but the honors program is run very oddly. They are required to take certain courses but each teacher just teaches anything they want. There is no consistency between teachers, apparently no curriculum. The teacher she had for the honors course she took second semester was not a good teacher on top of it; if a student asked a question for help or disagreed with her, she would put the students down. Eventually the students didn’t say anything in class because she was so negative. My daughter finally decided the program wasn’t worth the hassle - inconsistent grading or feedback on students progress, lack of curriculum, a lot of extra work. When she decided to drop it, the head of the program asked her why. My daughter gave her many specific reasons. With any luck they have listened.

Thanks for your reply. It sounds like your daughter did not have a good experience with this program at all! We are going to the admitted student visit day in a few weeks and having this information prior to the visit is very helpful.

Curious if your daughter enrolled at SU and if so, what kind of experience she is having?