Swarthmore ED

<p>Raise your hand if you're applying ED! We can all sit around for a month crossing our fingers together.</p>

<p>My application is already in because my school's registrar has deadlines way before the college deadlines. The anticipation is already killing me.</p>

<p>Son has applied ED and we are all very excited! Good luck to you colly! The next few weeks will be very long as the wait for this incredible college will be hard. December 15 will be a life changing day for some of us.</p>

<p>I hope we all find out at least a few days before December 15th. Best of luck to your son! What sparked his interest in Swarthmore?</p>

<p>Really everything. It is an incredible college, a gorgeous campus, very friendly students and just a feel that my son and I got from nowhere else. I am somewhat reluctant to say much on here, due to the fact that I don’t want other colleges to find out about his going ED at Swarthmore. What makes you think we may find out before December 15th?</p>

<p>Depending on where you live, you can get your letter earlier. Here in Philly I got mine on the 12th or 13th two years ago, and the same happened last year, I believe. :)</p>

<p>Oh that would be great as the 15th is a Monday and it would be much better to find out on Friday or Saturday. Thanks!</p>

<p>I think the letters usually arrive sometime between the 10th and 15th. I got mine the 12th, I think.</p>

<p>I finally just decided that I’m applying ED! I’m so nervous/excited!</p>

<p>Hooray! Good luck.</p>

<p>Thanks! You too! I’m so nervous.</p>

<p>Well here we are, ED deadline is over and nothing more than the wait. I thought my son would be an Amherst man, in fact, I was really sure of it. However, we visited many terrific colleges over the past few months and nothing really compared to Swarthmore. I know that he will be fine no matter where he ends up, I just think he has his heart set on Swarthmore. The more we talk about it, the more he is sure he wants to be there. Good luck everyone!</p>

<p>CollegeDad, I actually thought I would be an Amherst (wo)man. But I visited and it disagreed with me. I love all the schools I’m applying to (that’s why my list is so tiny…I had to really like them to apply) but I agree, Swat has that something extra that pushed me to apply ED. Only a few more weeks of (painful) waiting. It’s weird…I submitted my application much earlier because the registrar at school wants it at least ten school days in advance, but now that the deadline has passed…eep! </p>

<p>Good luck to everbody!</p>

<p>Ok I will try this again as my first one was sent into cyber space. If the unthinkable happens and my son gets in to Swarthmore (hey listen, a dad can dream), what does the acceptance look like? I mean, is it an envelope with a simple letter in it or is it more (a.k.a. a larger envelope or something else)? Now that the hard part is done, all I can be is a cheerleader and a sounding board for my son. It is just that on here, people know what Swarthmore actually is. The town we live in, well, no one has ever heard of Swarthmore. In fact, someone the other day said to me after telling them my son wanted to go to Swarthmore, “Oh, I thought your son wanted to go to a four year college.” That is why I come here to vent.</p>

<p>The envelops are subject to change from year to year and may vary depending on whether or not financial aid materials are enclosed (I don’t think they usually are with ED).</p>

<p>My daughter’s envelope was a non-descript half-letter sized (9 x 6) Swarthmore envelop that held a single page letter folded in half and a small return envelop for sending a deposit.</p>

<p>With any luck, you’ll be able to track the letters here as local area applicants start getting there’s the day after they are mailed. My daughter’s arrived on the 13th, which was a Saturday that year.</p>

<p>The regular decision acceptances have been known to arrive in a full 9x12 envelop with “THIS IS THE BIG ONE!” printed on the outside (i.e. the big envelop for an acceptance).</p>

<p>My daughter and a friend were Christmas shopping in a big record store in Harvard Square when I called her on a cell phone to open and read the letter (I had been able to pretty much tell it was good news by holding it up to the light – I wasn’t going to carry out our agreement to call if I thought it was bad news). As I opened the letter and started reading, all I heard was shouting “I got in…I got in” to a store full of strangers.</p>

<p>Haha, I’ve forbidden my mother to open the mailbox after December 10th…I will be the first one to lay hands on a letter after the mailman stuffs it in.</p>

<p>I admit, I was one of the mothers who used a flashlight to peak.</p>

<p>I stood on a chair and held it up to one of the strong track lights in our kitchen. ;)</p>

<p>Oh, I held my D’s envelope up to the kitchen light, and could see ‘Congratu’ before the rest of the text became obscured by the folded over part of the letter. When my D got home from school, the (unopened) letter was on the top of the mail pile. She was so afraid to open it: “I can’t open it!!” and so on for several minutes until I just shrieked “JUST OPEN IT!!!” She did, and screamed and jumped around the kitchen for long enough that I still don’t think my hearing is completely restored. I’ll have to remind her of that when the workload weighs heavy…</p>

<p>Hmmm… I don’t know if I want my parents to do that or not. I might have to wall off the mailbox…</p>

<p>So, as a lot of you have probably heard, ED applications seem to be way up this year at a lot of LACs. Does anyone know if Swarthmore is having a similar rise? I’m kind of panicking about this.</p>

<p>to be honest, swarthmore ed acceptance letters are disappointing…</p>