<p>UPENN student perspective,</p>
<p>ohk, i got to know about this site from my freinds. i like to tell something about haverford and swarthmore, and what makes them different. </p>
<p>Swarthmore is highly competitive school with highly competitive student body. You will challenge yourself and with others. Haverford in the other hand is also very competitive school, as competetive as Swarthmore, but differs from Swat. Student body at Haverford is non-competitive, where you 'not even once' talk about grade, and Haverford is a one of the few place where talking about grade is discouraged to the point that others leave conversations when you start talking about grades. I wanna talk more about Haverford first and then come back to swartmore again, and express my views on how this competitive-noncompetive enviroment plays a huge part in separating these two excellent schools on completely other side of the pond (academics wise). </p>
<p>In Haverford, as i told you before discussiong grade is highly discouraged; Apart from this, you wont ALSO find that much of people at Haverford disscussing how hard the class is and how hard you have to work. When i took a class at haverford, I found that I was not forced to work hard and do well. Classes were indeed tougher (you can compare physics courses at upenn and haverford;aslo the gradutation requirement, if that is a point of your interest) than that of Upenn, and its harded to get an A in haverford than in upenn; but never in my whole semester did I feet over-stressed or overwhelmed. </p>
<p>In Swarthmore, I also found that classes were tougher, and grade inflation was outrageous. Nevertheless, I got a feeling that people really cared about how well I was doing in my exams and quizzes (I also found that grade disscussion is not really discouraged). This might be the reason why I was more stressed due to Swarthmore class than haveford class although they were equally tough. Personally, I have a deep respect of Swarthmore, and its an amaging college; but this (competitive enviroment) is the only thing that i didnt like of Swarthmore (and Upenn).</p>
<p>Swarthomore has Honor's Course whereas Haverford doesnt although both have honor programs; but haverford provides honor in a very unusual way from what i have heard (from the depth of your senior thesis). </p>
<p>You, prospective students, might have heard how notoriously hard the classes at Swarthmore are, and nothing about haverford classes. So did I. And this is just because of the competitive swarthmore enviroment and non-competitive haverford community.</p>