switching colleges at soar?

<p>Is it possible to switch between colleges at soar (for example,from letters & science to agricultural and life sciences) if I was initially admitted into letters & science? Or is it necessary that I switch my SOAR date to do so? If I switched I'd go from July 24-25 to august 16-17. I was wondering if it's possible to switch between colleges while keeping the same soar date. Thanks! :)</p>

<p>You were admitted to the university as a whole, regardless of your stated college/school. Do make any changes for proposed major/school/college before SOAR so they can assign the most relevant advisor (this may be the same cross college advisor they originally assigned). </p>

<p>You do not need to change your SOAR date. </p>

<p>Most students, including those who are preengineering, prebusiness, preeducation…, will initially be in the College of Letters and Sciences as entering freshmen as that is where they will take most of their courses required to be admitted to their respective school/college. The default advising service is the cross college one, covers everything generally as its name indicates. Choosing a field helps SOAR reassign you to the advisor for that field. This may help you as while most graduation breadth requirements are the same there are differences among the various schools/colleges. </p>

<p>Students- do not worry about not seeing an advisor in your intended field as you will take courses leading towards your proposed major and electives to meet general reqs your first year regardless of where you eventually end up. Once you are on campus you will learn a lot and can choose another advisor.</p>

<p>You can TOTALLY get into CALS at SOAR. When you are there, they put everyone in a big room, and then they’re like “If you think you want to explore a major in L&S, go with this person” and “If you think you want to explore a major in CALS, go with this person” etc. They’ll even take you somewhere else if you want to eventually get into the School of Business or Journalism so they can talk to you about what you’ll eventually need to do for that. Just go with the CALS person and you’ll be all set.</p>