Changing Majors

I was just wondering if it was possible to change majors at registration orientation. I applied for chemistry but have decided I want to study engineering in the time since. I know you are admitted to the university as a whole regardless of major but I was wondering if it was possible to change before officially enrolling. Although I have yet to hear a decision I will attend if admitted.

I don’t think you can even declare a major that early so you should be fine

Thank you that eases my worries.

Yeah I also applied as computer science major but I’m sure there’s plenty of flexibility as sophomore year is the earliest you can actually declare a major or get onto a track I think

The major declaration is just to get you the proper adviser for SOAR, should you be admitted. Admitted students can change their major(s) at any time (the downside being that it will take longer to graduate if you take unnecessary classes).

Current parent here – though not engineering. I would think you could change your SOAR preference after admission – you are grouped with students interested in the same fields for group information and advising sessions at SOAR (summer orientation and registration). As long as you take the right prerequisites as a freshman, you should be okay. But that is the kind of question that SOAR folks can answer after acceptance and enrollment. Good luck, and hang in there.

Call or email admissions to change your preferred major to Engineering to that you are in the right SOAR grouping.

Ditto the above. The reason for declaring a proposed major is to get more specific advising at SOAR. Do not wait until SOAR because at that time all of the advisor groups will have been assigned and the one that you ideally would be in could be full.

Will it hurt my admissions chances if I tell them I want to change my majors? Since I am not yet admitted I would be worried they would use that as a potential reason to deny me.

My understanding is that it does not matter for admission purposes what you intended major is.

If you are concerned, wait until you are attend to change it.

Many will not have a proposed major and UW does not care what your planned major is. btw- many/most entering college students will change their major after experiencing college courses.

*Meant to write “wait until you are admitted to change it”.