Switching dorm rooms next quarter

<p>Hi, I was wondering if we are allowed to switch dorm rooms starting Winter quarter?
If yes, how is it done?
Someone told me it's a 'blind switch' but I'm not sure. I'm in a res. hall, I want to get a plaza or at least a dorm closer to campus and a roommate that doesn't have a computer with a LOOOOUD fan and that doesn't have an inconsiderate friend that keeps playing the same hip hop song at 3am.</p>

<p>Another question, I have to stay on campus during Winter Break, so we pay an extra 500 right? Where would I be staying? And I would have to eat outside, is that right?</p>

<p>there’s another switching process the first or second week of winter quarter. the RD doesn’t do it anymore, now you go to a specific session depending on what building you live in, and housing employees will be there to help you switch.</p>

<p>it’s highly recommended you find someone prior to that session to switch with you. that weay both of you can just go and get switched together. if you don’t find anybody, you can go to the session anyway and try your luck, as some people do go to the sessions to meet people, or sometimes housing will have extra rooms. but thats risky, as you could walk away empty handed.</p>

<p>I think it’s $500, it was that 2 years ago it could be higher now. you would have to eat outside as dining services is closed.</p>