Switching From Chemical Engineering at Berkeley to BioEngineering

I got into the College of Chemistry for Chemical Engineering at UC Berkeley. However, I am now considering switching to Bioengineering. I was wondering how difficult this would be, especially since I am switching between colleges. Also, what would be the best process for switching my major right now. Thank you.

Not taking Chem 4A/4B would be ideal, but since you cannot change to CoE right away, you will have to take the class as a general CoC requirement. Try to get 3.5 GPA or higher in your first 2 semesters.
The best process would be coming up with good personal statement why you want to switch to CoE. As long as you have a genuine motive with reasonably good academic standings with taking relevant coursework to BioE, you should be just fine.

Thanks so much! This is very helpful:)


But why change?