<p>I'm enrolled in Asian Am 30 right now but I seriously hate this class so I looked on the registrar for more GE classes and Anthro 9 seemed pretty interesting so I enrolled in it. I read the syllabus and it says that missing more than one discussion sections will result in a lower grade..Technically I have missed two already...
This may be a stupid question, but...will this lower my grade? Is it typical for TAs to lower your grade if you switch in after week 1 (for missing discussions)?</p>
<p>Also, has anyone heard about Anthro 9 with Cattelino? I can't find anything on bruinwalk or ratemyprof..</p>
<p>Why don’t you just ask? Each professor will have different rules for this kind of thing.<br>
I think that they’ll just schedule some makeup assignments for all the missed work, and not have to lower your grade. It’d be ridiculous if they did, since you’d be better off not enrolling.</p>
<p>I took AAS 30 with Bascara this time last year.</p>
<p>Don’t drop it. One of the easier A’s I have ever gotten. You can skip lecture if you want. Go to discussion sections and make sure you know what the readings are about. Otherwise, you’re pretty much guaranteed a good grade in the class.</p>
<p>I dropped AAS 30 this year too. He made the subject a little boring, but I could see it would’ve been an easy A. But i want a class that I enjoy, and almost always an A+ follows</p>