Switching Majors


I was accepted into the college of arts and sciences under biological sciences major but my main goal is to switch my major to engineering. Can someone explain the process and when I should do it? Is it a hard process? Will I loose all my sholarship money?

Also, how is switching into college of informatics? Is that also hard to do?

Switching your major is definitely really easy to do. However, if you were to switch from biology to engineering, Drexel is going to review your application again to see if you’d be a good fit for their engineering program. This applies to the college of informatics as well.

However, what you could also do, if you were to attend Drexel, is switch your major after you have committed and will be coming here in the Fall of 2017. If you did do this, you could easily switch your majors and your academic advisor (who is assigned to you) will easily help you transition to your new major. If you decide to take this route, there’s a guarantee that you keep your scholarships, acceptance, etc.

@givemefoodplzz thank you for your help :slight_smile: