Switching majors

<p>I am completely confused how this will work and if anyone can give me insight, that'd be great.</p>

<p>I currently got accepted for the physiology and neuroscience major at UCSD. However, looking at the curriculum, I recently decided that I want to double major with bioengineering: premedical. </p>

<p>I called in today to inquire about this, but they said that I won't be able to do this until orientation and it's a slim chance that I'll be given the chance to do bioengineering, both switching into it or double majoring with it. </p>

<p>I wanted some suggestions on how to handle this, because I think if I am not allowed to double major, or even switch into bioengineering, I don't want to attend UCSD. </p>

<p>Any help would be appreciated</p>


<p>What other schools have you gotten into? Is UCSD your absolute 1st choice?</p>

<p>The BioE: Premed major isn't impacted, so it shouldn't be a huge problem to switch into it.</p>

<p>Can someone clarify whether the major is Animal Physiology and Neuroscience or Physiology and Neuroscience? I've googled the major and have seen many pre-vets taking this major. Does the curriculum cover the material needed to get into med school or should I just try switching into a human bio or biochem major?</p>

<p>@ chessdude2:</p>

<p>Well, the only schools I'm seriously considering attending are UCLA, UCSD, Univeristy of Arizona (in-state), and waitlist at Northwestern.</p>

<p>The problem is that at NU, UCLA, and UCSD, I signed up for neuroscience/biochem and want to switch to bioengineering. </p>

<p>UCSD is probably my top choice if they let me switch majors; otherwise, i am going to have to seriously rethink where I'm going to go. </p>

<p>Hmm, what do you mean it isn't impacted? Sorry if this is a stupid question....</p>

<p>@kkwong319: Well, the Neuroscience degree, from what I understand, generally prepares you for med school. You take all the basic sciences, math, etc. You should be fine unless the med school you're applying to has an out-of-ordinary requirement. Here's the curriculum if you want to see it:</p>

<p>[url=<a href="http://biology.ucsd.edu/undergrad/sixmajors/PN05.htm%5DPN05%5B/url"&gt;http://biology.ucsd.edu/undergrad/sixmajors/PN05.htm]PN05[/url&lt;/a&gt;]&lt;/p>


<p>The admissions people will know more about what you can/can't switch to than anyone here.</p>

<p>Bioengineering is impacted according to UCSD's website -
Current</a> Students: Impacted Majors
'Impacted' means not just anyone accepted to UCSD can necessarily be accepted to the program. There's a second decision or 'cut' to be able to get in.</p>

<p>Also, to get into the Jacobs School of Engineering one's application usually needs to go through a second review for admission - once by UCSD in general, and once by the Jacobs school. The Jacobs school usually has a higher cut than the general UCSD admissions.</p>

<p>'Premed' isn't a major so if I understand your post you wouldn't be double-majoring. You'd be doing BioE making sure you cover the core premed courses but you could cover those courses in the pursuit of any major if you wanted to. Or did you mean double major BioE and Psych or Neuro?</p>

<p>i asked them (because I wanted to switch majors), and they told me to mail a letter saying I wanted to switch my major. Out of curiosity, why would you want to go for a non-ABET accredited Bioengineering degree?</p>

<p>^ UCSD has one of the top ranked BioE departments in the country whether it's ABET or not.</p>

<p>I know. But you have to remember the numerous benefits/ recognition that is associated with an ABET engineering degree.</p>

<p>@ucsd<em>ucla</em>dad: Well, I think the major I'm choosing (Bioengineering:premedical) is exempt from the impacted list. From what I read yesterday, I gathered that it was a separate track for bioengineering, and since it isn't covered in the impacted list, I wouldn't have too much trouble getting accepted. </p>

<p>And I think I would be double majoring in 1. Bioengineering: Pre-medical and 2. Physiology and Neuroscience.</p>

<p>@Jasonlee and UCSD<em>UCLA</em>Dad: </p>

<p>I'm not too familiar with the ABET benefits and detriments. What are they specifically? Also, my rationale for choosing UCSD is that it is one of the top in the country.</p>

<p>Now, what I am slightly confused about is whether the other tracks of bioengineering (bioE, bioE: biosystems, etc.) are ABET accredited. Because if that's the case, I think I'd take a combination of two tracks of bioE, if possible, so I can capture the benefits of the premedical track as well as the ABET accredited degree.</p>

<p>Unless employers place a major emphasis on ABET certification it isn't so relevant and the relevance will vary with the particular engineering discipline. A lot of top notch engineering programs don't have ABET certification. The important point is really what the employers and grad schools think and a lot of them don't seem to care. If there's significant on-campus recruiting in a particular engineering discipline despite ABET certification, I think it's not so relevant for that major. </p>

<p>Besides, according to ABET, UCSD is accredited for BioE. Maybe you were referring to particular variants of the BioE major.</p>

<p>WHY would you want to double major in that? BioEpremed alone has TONS of required classes each quarter...</p>