<p>Do your counselors let you do this?
I want to switch out of my Gov class because I can't tolerate the people in my class.
They're incredibly noisy and disruptive, and my teacher doesn't do much about it.
I also have had difficulties with this teacher in the past.
It's only been three days since school started, so I wouldn't be missing much by switching out.
If I were to switch, I would be switching to another Gov class with a different teacher in the same period. I get along with the students there much better than I do with the students in this current class, so I know I wouldn't just be stuck in the same situation.</p>
<p>What do you consider a valid reason for switching out of a class?</p>
<p>You’re going to have to deal with people you don’t necessarily like in the real world, so just endure this because after high school, not everything is going to be tailored to your exact preferences.</p>
<p>I sympathize. My AP Gov class is the same exact way.</p>
<p>That seems irrelevant though…
Certainly in the real world, you’ll, more often than not, be stuck in situations you do not enjoy, but in this particular situation, I have other options. And I’m not being permitted to take those options for nothing more than “preparation” for the future</p>
<p>Quit being so uptight. Being noisy and disruptive is a lot more fun than sitting quietly in your desk, but if you can’t concentrate on your studies then it’s a different story. If you can’t beat 'em, join 'em.</p>
<p>Holy crap… My class was the same way in 8th grade & it annoyed the hell out of me. I dealt with it, yes by staying in the same class, thus lowering my ability to hear the teacher. If possible I would recommend you switch classes.</p>
<p>Also, as Yakisoba said, noisy classes are fun and a lot more interesting than perfectly quiet classrooms, so long as you can be efficient.</p>
<p>True. Or just tell them to shut up
But yeah preamble is right.</p>
<p>i think the point is that the op would be more efficient in a different class</p>
<p>if you have the opportunity to do this, then i think you should. i mean you’re gonna be there for a year, and if you’re with your friends you’ll be more likely to participate in class and enjoy the class better, overall, which in turn gets you a higher grade</p>
<p>it would be lucky if your school lets you do this… why not take every opportunity to do better? in the real world, you’re supposed to be opportunistic. or so i hear… 'cause we’re all in high school and it’s not like any of us really knows</p>
<p>but idk if your school will let you, since, you know, i don’t go there</p>