<p>I applied this year to four top institutions in the US but I have not been accepted. I plan to re-apply next year as transfer student. Would I have a better chance of getting in if I begin my study of physics at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETH) or at a canadian university like UofToronto, McGill and UBC?</p>
<p>I think you'd have a better shot if you came from a canadian university because the transfer process is complicated and US universities are more familiar with the university system in Canada than in Switzerland. Remember that they have to work out credits, etc.</p>
<p>This is a completely subjective judgement though</p>
<p>Good Luck!</p>
<p>PS: I also applied to 4 top US universities but has been rejected at 3 so far (Georgetown, Harvard, Yale). Still to hear from Princeton</p>
<p>i have been rejected from all 8 universities(upenn, cornell, dartmouth, ucla, ucb, washu st.louis and stanford), going to a canadian school now.</p>
<p>Thank you. Any other opinions?</p>
<p>ETH is an awesome school...one of the best in world for engineering. I think you'd be better off going there. It is a very recognizable university and plus it's in switzerland which is like 20x better than canada...but i'm biased because im swiss (well half swiss).</p>