Syracuse Ischool vs Whitman vs Elon business/leadership fellow

Decision day coming soon and daughter having trouble deciding. She is on quieter side and worries about getting lost at Syracuse but loves the school spirit and accepted into great program. Elon far away from home but also a great opportunity with Leadership program and smaller school. Any advice??

We didn’t look at Syracuse, but really loved Elon. I think the Fellows program is a great opportunity. It ended up being my son’s second choice, but I would have been very happy for him to attend. Loved the campus and the small town feel.

Couple things here - Syracuse is big but not that big - and she’ll be in a dorm and clubs to make it smaller. Example - I worked at the radio station so that was my clique. It’s got what you need with Marshall Street (restaurants, etc.) right there - and D1 sports.

Elon is beautiful but rather isolated. Close to Burlington but not walking close. It is smaller and if that’s her comfort zone it’s a fantastic choice. It’s far (I guess you are in the NE) but really a short flight and then whatever type of shuttle to get from the airport (likely RDU but could be Greensboro). They also have D1 sports (1AA in football) although not as high profile.

Elon will also have much more moderate weather.

Really two different schools. College is about growth and many kids will get homesick - even though close by - but Elon isn’t “that far” - especially with air travel - in case there was an issue.

No wrong choice here.

My D chose last year between Syracuse Whitman and Elon Business Fellows. She chose Elon and is very happy there. She really liked the school spirit at Syracuse but the small class sizes, Fellows program opportunities and warmer weather at Elon won her over. The fact that it was snowing in Syracuse in April may have been a factor.

The fellows programs give you a cohort of built-in friends and close relationships with faculty. Although some posters try to portray Elon as being remote or rural, it’s suburban and close to Greensboro and Raleigh and the school constantly offers on-campus events and activities. I don’t think she will be bored. Elon is much more affordable, as you probably know, and their business school job outcomes are very good. Good luck with the choice!


Are both affordable without parental loans?
In terms of professional outcomes, both will have good results, so (assuming both are affordable without parental loans) it’s really a case of “no wrong choice”.
It does sound like Elon matches her personality better and it’s really not that far.

She got leadership scholarship at Syracuse 1/2 tuition. Cost actually ends up being about the same! Also complicating decision is her dad is alum! He is trying not to sway her either way but he bleeds orange!

Let’s Go Orange :slight_smile:

Dad is an alum but where does the student want to be? That’s the key thing here.

Has she been to both campuses - both very nice but different.

SU has Marshall Street and other action right there adjacent to campus.

Elon - not so much next to campus - so while Burlington is 10 minutes away or so, you’d need wheels to get there.

Is that a factor?

If she lives in Flint Hall or up the hill at SU, it’s 140 steps multiple times a day. Is that a factor?

Is weather a factor?

Really no wrong choice here - except if it’s dad’s choice. That’s the wrong choice. Neither of my kids would look at SU - too cold.

And I had to deal with it not even getting on the consideration set.

It just means the family will have a new tradition if the student chooses Elon.

And there’s nothing wrong with that!!

I’m confused. Are we talking about Syracuse University Whitman School, or iSchool, both at half tuition, v.s. Elon at full pay? I’d go for Syracuse with half tuition if so.

We ARE … S.U.! :orange_heart:

The S.U. school spirit is real. It never leaves you. I was there a long time ago — but, it was an extremely social and friendly place. I made my closest friends right on my dorm floor during my first year. (I just spoke to my roomate yesterday).

I double majored in Newhouse and Arts & Sciences, not at Whitman. My classes were all small except for the lectures for the intro courses, where I was nothing more than a seat filler.

That being said, Elon has a lot going for it. And Syracuse is so, so cold and grey in the winter. My neighbor’s son could not take it and transferred (and we live in New England!).

It’s a good choice to have to make. Which environment “feels” more comfortable for your student?

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Your D really needs to decide which environment and program SHE prefers. This is a case where two reasonable people could make different choices.


Yes agree! No pressure from us (even as alum, in fact the opposite) this is her choice. We are just trying to work through all of the pros and cons. Thanks for all the thoughts!

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