Syracuse? Other schools? Can I get in? help!

<p>Im a senior at the #1 high school in Illinois since its opening 6 years ago. It is a Chicago public school. I have my heart set on Syracuse. But i have a huge list because I cant decide which are safteys and reaches, because my scores are a lot lower then I ever expected them. I have always been a great tester and an even better student. I ended up getting a 610 ver. and 590 math with a 570 writing. My act was even more depressing with a 25. I took the sats 3 times and act 2.<br>
I have a 4.6 weighted and a 3.71 unweighted. I have taken all honors every year, and pulled solid grades through them all. I attend a College Prep school, so I dont have the option to not take all honors classes. I took AP statistics (3 on test) and AP Psychology (5 on test) last year and am taking AP Language and Composition and AP Calculus AB this year. </p>

Varsity Cross country 4 years, captain 3. We are 2nd in city 2 years in a row
Varisty track and field 4 years, captain 3
President Girls Book club jr and sr years
Book club jr and sr years
Recyclying club jr yr
Secretary of NHS jr and sr year
120 community service hours through a coaching camp i went to for Jr. life gaurds. The team i competed on and coached won Nationals
Softball JV fresh and Soph years
Chior jr year
Advisory Rep jr and sr year
Pep club and Jr and Sr prom commitee</p>

<p>My recomendations are great, and I work really hard. I also work about 15 hours a week, and about 50 during the summer as a babysitter and waitress.</p>

<p>My essay is really solid</p>

<p>here are my schools:</p>

<p>syracuse! I wanna go!
U of rochester
Cornell College- Im in already
U of Iowa
U of Illinois-urbana

<p>Thank u so much, I want to drop a couple schools, but I need to make sure Ill get in somehwere!</p>

<p>You have a very good chance for Wisconsin and should prefer it over Uconn and Iowa for larger schools.</p>

<p>you'll get into syracuse</p>

<p>what about syracuse? I am in their 'range' for sat's but i still feel sick to my stomach about not getting in.</p>

<p>I think you have excellent ECs and a strong GPA. Your SATs are well within their range unless you are applying for engineering or sciences. If you don't get in, I will set fire to my "Syracuse National Champions" sweatshirt on Marshall Street during their open house for prospective students.</p>

<p>Are you applying to Newhouse? because its tougher to get in...</p>

<p>I think:
Syracuse A&S: yes
UR: reach
GW: iffy
Dickinson: yes
Denison: yes
Fairfield: yes
UConn: yes
American: yes on low side
Middlebury: sorry, you need a 1500
Skidmore: match on the low side</p>

<p>wow thanks, yes' mean that you think ill get in right? haha. Thanks so much for your help. Nah, Im applying to their education or business school.</p>

<p>"yes" means you would be admitted with your stats if you were from our HS (based on the last 5 years of data).</p>

<p>Oh yeah, here is the data for UIUC:</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>From what I know of UIUC & UConn, I'd pick UIUC - esp. for business and esp. for in state tuition.</p>

<p>I think EDU is considered strong at Syracuse.</p>

<p>yea Im lookin at UIUC, its such a bargain, but really not where I want to be. Its too overwhelmingly large. My schools got preety good credentials with u of i, and about 95% of the kids who apply there get in, but I have a feeling its gonna get tougher this year. You dont think Ill have a problem gettin into Cuse?</p>


<p>I think Syracuse is in range; have you considered applying ED to Syracuse? So long as Finanacial Aid is not key that is what you should do.</p>

<p>Go to <a href=""&gt;;/a> and look at SAT optional schools. Consider adding two or three to your list in place of SAT schools. That way your GPA can carry the day at at least a couple of schools. Some really excellent schools are SAT optional... Bowdoin, for example. </p>

<p>Your grades are very impressive. Including some SAT-optional schools will help you.</p>

<p>why Syracuse?</p>

<p>thanks guys, I will look at those schools. Syracuse is my #1 because my uncle and aunt and cuzins live just south of ithica, and because I would be traveling far away from my Chicago home, I would have people close by. Also, its a little bigger then I want, but 10,000ish, I think i could deal with and potentially love. I want a school that i dont constantly feel like im playing "catch up" in, which is the way I have been feeling during high school, Ive seen syracuse and loved the campus, and I know a lot ofpeople in the surrouding areas. If there are other schools similar, let me know, I would be intersted in checking them out. Thanks again, any more comments?</p>

<p>Other possibilities nearby: Ithaca College, SUNY Binghamton</p>

<p>Just something I thought I would make sure you know about Syracuse -- this current freshman class ended up being unexpectedly large -- they overshot their target class size by over 400 students. See article from Daily Orance:
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>So something to consider (and perhaps ask them about) is how this will affect admissions for the upcoming year. My guess (which is not based on any personal information, just a logical guess I think) is that their admission standards could get tougher as a result. Don't know what that would end up meaning for you -- just thought you should be aware of this possible issue.</p>

<p>great article, thanks, makes me a little uneasy, but im hopeing I will still get in. Is ithica a good school? It would be perfect for me to go there, but I am scared that it is not as competitive as I want it. I know I shoud be going to a place like Cornell, but I just cant get it, Syracuse is actually a little lower then my standards, but gettin in wise, its in my range. If u guys know anything good about Ithica, I know thier communications program is strong, its just not ranked well. Let me know, thanks. Other info about syracuse is appriciated. The Suny schools are a little iffy, not ranked well and I would prolly be better saving a lot of money by going somehwere in state here in Illinois.</p>

<p>chances at syracuse? what schools should I remove? too many reaches~</p>

<p>Considering you are already in at Cornell College, you don't need a safety (unless you have no intention of enrolling there). So, you should apply to near-reaches, reaches and dream schools now. You actually have many matches and large schools (that you don't want) on your list - not too many reaches. Definitely apply to Syracuse, UR, GW, Skidmore, & American and see what happens.</p>

<p>If you are not satisfied w/ Cornell College as your safety, then review that part of your list taking your favorites from Dickinson, Denison, & Fairfield. UConn, UIUC, & Iowa are big. I don't know anything about Depauw. UIUC is so highly rated and economical, I would keep it on.</p>

<p>thanks. im really iffy on cornell college. UIUC really likes my school and bout 95% of the kids get in who apply from here, but I have a feeling its gonna get harder. We also ahve such a high acceptance rate because my school is filled w/ geniuses, my scores howerver are on the low end. DO you guys know nything else about dickinson, denison and fairfield? are they good schools? do i have a chance? thanks ws17.</p>

<p>Humm, looking at that list that SBmom suggested...</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>SAT I is optional at Middlebury College (!). Although it says you must submit SAT II scores instead (in reality, all scores will be on the report since there is no score choice w/ ETS). If you did well on SAT II, go for it.</p>

<p>There are some other non-SAT schools listed that are a tier or 2 above Fairfield as far as I know, such as: Holy Cross, Hamilton (near Syracuse in upstate NY), Bowdoin, Bates, & Connecticut College. These schools are more like Middlebury than like Syracuse.</p>

<p>yea I have hamilton on my list, and since im going out there in the next two weeks, I am debating if I want to make a stop at it. I just kinda kicked it off my list because I dont have high enough scores. As great as all those schools are and the schools that I have on my list, I feel that i might do better at a bigger school, like mid sized, 5000-10000. I have yet to run into any middy schools that ilike besides syracuse. I am not totally ruling out smaller schools howervr. thanks</p>