Syracuse Waitlist class of 2027

Thank you for saying that @Mashinations
We have so much to celebrate….and we will. However, no one needed this complete heart tugging distraction.


Hi All just posting an update- We accepted the spot at Syracuse and withdrew our commitment at our other school. Just as an FYI- we had to call the financial aid office as the aid letter did not post in myslice but they were able to give me all the figures over the phone, so those of you still waiting, you may want to put in a call. They did offer more in University grant than I was expecting since we don’t qualify for much aid. Good Luck to everyone still waiting and thanks to everyone for all their input and for sharing. For those attending Cuse, hopefully we will cross paths on campus in the near future. Glad this is finally over and my daughter can enjoy her upcoming graduation with peace of mind.


Your post made my heart so happy. Congratulations!!!

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We have a similar update. Heard back from Financial Aid and received more in grant than expected. Our info was in my slice. My daughter decided to accepted her spot also. Feel same about graduation, now she can truly enjoy all the festivities that go with graduating with her decision made. Good luck to everyone!!

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Its so annoying reading about parents being overbearing on their kids admissions things. Just let the kids be and deal with it on their own.

Parent here. I understand what you are saying but this is a collective journey that we (the family) are all on. Support does not equal overbearing and empathy tinged with a bit of frustration over a process that is purposefully opaque is a reasonable place to inhabit for a time.


Congratulations to your daughter and family!

My son was accepted off the SU waitlist on Wednesday (while we were in the car driving to orientation to UConn)… Although SU was his first choice initially, when he was waitlisted he visited UConn and fell in love and knew right away it was his school! Best fit for him and he never looked back. Its so amazing how things turn out. Best of luck to all! :slight_smile:


Parent here as well. Maybe you have a very low bar on what you consider overbearing but if you have experience in how to go about making important life decisions (of which I think most of us would consider what college is the best fit) why would you not help guide your child with that?

Never mind that for many families the parents are funding a significant portion of that decision.
For those that aren’t the kid is likely going to take out substantial loans. To think most 18 year old’s can comprehend the economic impact of that decision is silly.


Has anyone heard of any WL kids getting a final rejection letter yet? Admissions said once it has been determined they aren’t being offered a spot off of the waitlist that they will receive a final letter confirming this. Hoping they are able to wrap all of this up one way or the other soon. They seem to be running a month earlier compared to last year when they notified WL kids after June 1 and sent the final rejections by the end of June.

The first tuition bill isn’t due until June 30th, so until then, kids could technically still pull out. I doubt they’ll send the final decision letter before then and risk an open space. It’s prudent business, even if it sucks for the WL applicants. Of course, I could be wrong and they’ll sent out the letters this week.

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I’ve never heard of a school doing that kid by kid (or program by program). Most other WL threads I’ve followed it seems that when the school is done filling all their spots they send out one blast/notification to everyone saying the WL is closed. DS got just such a notice from V-Tech a few weeks back - they pulled no one from WL.

I would think a kid pulling out upon due date of the bill is fairly predictable for the school. There will also be a small % that only lasts 2-3 weeks of the semester and a larger % that only make it the first semester - why a lot of universities have a “first semester abroad” program.


Thank you!!!


Did anyone else receive an email this afternoon re waitlist. My daughter received the following message:

We determined that we have limited space available in the Fall 2023 class. While we do not have space available in your first-choice program, we may be able to offer you admission to the College of Arts and Sciences. Please let us know whether or not you are still interested in Syracuse University by completing the response form within the next 24 hours. We will consider students for admission on a space available basis.

She applied to Newhouse so not really interested in A&S, and even though both parents are alums, she is really excited about her committed college, Emerson.


DS received same message. In a similar spot to your daughter… not really interested in A&S. Will be declining the “offer to get an offer”.

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Same, Newhouse was first choice but was waitlisted for Falk (2nd choice) and offered Arts and Science. Would only go to Syracuse for Newhouse.


After thinking about this some more overnight (I over-analyze things by nature). I find this dynamic interesting. Syracuse admits a bunch of kids and offers WL to a bunch of kids. They’re assuming some % of the admits will decline the offer. They’re also trying to manage this across the various programs, in-state/OOS, demographics, etc.

So we have 3 kids that applied to a different program than they’re now being offered a spot into. This suggests Syracuse over-estimated its enrollment into A&S PLUS did not WL enough kids that were looking for that program. So now they’re canvasing kids from other program WL’s to see if they can get them. If someone were on the fence it could be a good opportunity to negotiate some decent merit.

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Facinating theory…my D23 applied just for A&S and her first choice was the Neuroscience program. Not even a peep! She is top 20% of her class. She demonstrated interest in her LOCI so we are just baffled at what they are doing in the WL process. I called it earlier that she will not be offered a seat because they are offering A&S openings to applicants in other colleges. My theory is that they are looking to quickly backfill the other colleges when they experience 1st semester melt after Christmas break and students who do not return for Sophmore year.

Yeah, I would say that’s definitely strange that they might have kids that applied to A&S on the WL that they haven’t reached out to (yet?).

I worked in higher ed administration for 10 years but that was a lifetime ago. 1st semester melt and sophomore year transfers/drops are always a consideration but historically a college can predict them pretty closely as it doesn’t change much from one year to the next. They put X# of kids into a first semester abroad program knowing that in the Spring they’ll have ~ that number of spots open up. For the kids not returning 2nd year, they’re going to get an influx of transfer applications to pick from.

The wild card for admissions is yield prediction. Especially in a world where the number of applications goes up year over year. Virginia Tech last year and the year before waitlisted a healthy # of kids and pulled pretty heavily from it. This year nada. UT-Knoxville saw a 40% increase in applicants.

Wild process. Best of luck to your daughter wherever she lands!

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My daughter specifically didn’t apply as a dual major with A&S because she wanted to take as many classes from Newhouse as possible, and by dual majoring, at least 90 credits were required to be from A&S. I think she is being offered a spot in a college she never applied to because both parents are alums, but this just feels like another slap in the face.