Syracuse Waitlist class of 2027

Update: Daughter received her admission email, but don’t know about financial aid yet. Would that be indicated in the letter, or sent separately?

My understanding is that any merit aid would have been included in the admissions letter and need based aid would come separately and be available on myslice. It seems that most folks who got off the waitlist this week are still awaiting aid notifications.

Possible someone here who has gotten a WL offer will chime if they run it the same way they run earlier decisions (similar to other schools), Merit would come in the offer of acceptance from Admissions and any Need Based would come through Financial Aid. I haven’t heard of many coming off WL and getting substantial Merit.

That said - Merit is negotiable (need based is not). If you get an offer from them and you’d need them to meet you at a certain financial spot, there’s no harm in asking. Lots of stories of schools kicking in an incremental $5K/year Merit if they know that’s what is needed to get the commit.

Thanks, she was offered no merit in her acceptance letter, so unless the financial aid package includes grant money, Syracuse will be a no-go. With no merit aid, Syracuse is coming in at $25k/year higher than her out of state offer from U of Oregon (which included a partial academic scholarship), which will already be hard enough to pay for. I always thought that private schools gave out more merit aid than public universities, but she’s been offered more money from flagship public U’s than from any of the private schools she applied to, so I guess I had that wrong! It’s a shame, because she would have been a great fit at Syracuse, both academically and socially.

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Can’t speak to your D’s situation on what schools and what programs she might have applied to.

Some private schools give out substantial Merit. Some give out little (simply because they don’t need to). They use it as a hook to “buy” the students they really want. Well, if they really wanted our kids they wouldn’t be on the WL (harsh reality). If you’ve looked at Syracuse’s Net Price Calculator it should give you an idea what they might come back with for need based aid (which very well could include substantial school grants!) - the challenge with need based is that it will change year to year as their formula changes and your need changes.

Syracuse is a demonstrated need school, so they allocate more funds to need-based aid than merit.


Hi All, just curious if anyone who was accepted off the waitlist this week received a financial aid package yet? We are still waiting here.

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Assuming you’re logging into MySlice and seeing nothing I would be getting on the phone with FinAid at the school to understand status - before they close for the weekend.

We received her aid offer. It included a $7k/year Syracuse grant, plus $3500 work study and some loan offers. It won’t be enough to sway us from OR, since the net cost there will be significantly lower ($20k/year less, after aid), but I appreciate that SU did offer her a grant!

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We are waiting for financial aid package also. I did speak with admissions last week and they told me that Financial Aid offer should be available before the ten day window expires. My daughter is now thinking of attending Syracuse but we need to see if they offer any $$.

Its officially late May and I’m assuming that all the initial offers of admission off the waitlist have been made by now and any other potential offers made will be a result of people declining. This whole experience has been such a bummer since SU was supposed to be a safety school for our son and so many others but this year was just ridiculously competitive. At this point I think we have pretty much moved on. Good luck to all of our kids, and to all of you as well.


Son was accepted off the WL yesterday for Whitman. This whole process is incredibly frustrating as this should have been a safety school as well. We will see what the offer letter says but it would have to be compelling to change his mind. Good luck to all!


Has anyone gotten off of the waitlist for the school of Education? I’ve been in contact with the school’s admissions advisor since November and still no word! Just wanted to see if anyone has heard anything yet.

My son, who had his heart set on Newhouse, just got a spot at school of information. Anyone know anything about this program? Mentions Newhouse dual degree. CuseDad, we are still pulling for your son big time!


Congrats! Thx we aren’t holding our breath at this point and I think my son is now fully in where we committed to. Im starting to accept that SU likely wasn’t meant to be plus he will be one hour away instead of 4 which for many reasons is probably for the best.


Accepted off the waitlist but no financial summary yet. The clock is ticking.

Nothing here either but we’ve moved on and she’s super excited about her decision and flight booked for orientation next month. I know it’s another very competitive year but I feel like Cuse (and other schools like it) that waitlisted an obsene amount of kids really missed out on some amazing candidates who would have taken the spot in the beginning but after all this wait have found even better fits. I know when my daughter visited where she is going now, after getting waitlisted at Cuse, she fell in love with the school and it made it an easy decision for her. It’s a ■■■■■■ process but weirdly odd how it all works out in the end I guess.


Heard of a student admitted today to Whitman, but they are sticking with the school they committed to.

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I totally agreed. My son is thinking it over. We were excited about his choice but this Cuse thing really stirred things up. Oh and tonight Villanova accepted him off the waitlist. He won’t be accepting V as no merit was offered and its not competitive financially. Both of these schools really messed up the last two months!


Interesting how the mindset changes in just a few weeks. Every day that goes by the likelihood that DS would shift to Syracuse goes down. At this point I’d almost suggest unless there was a compelling financial reason to shift it would likely be a decline.

@Datamomma23 - just what the family needs, right?, coming into graduation and all the great things that represents and you have to have conversations around possibly changing colleges!!