<p>Are you a marketing major? Because if you are and your GPA drops that much you’re even dumber than you come across in your posts.</p>
<p>You two should seriously be banned. Where the hell are the mods around here anyway? This is ridiculous. Both of you have an extremely terrible history of being negative and rude to anyone who posts in these forums. Get over yourselves. You remind me of this little nerdy kid in my class that constantly tries to correct everyone. No one likes people like you. Maybe that is why you are on here 24/7. It is pathetic.</p>
<p>My GPA is NOT a 3.4, it is not a 3.0, it is a 3.8.
Once again, i will tell you:
[Hypothetically</a> | Define Hypothetically at Dictionary.com](<a href=“Hypothetically]Hypothetically Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.com”>Hypothetically Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.com)</p>
<p>So now both of you are just arguing with me and never intended to provide any real positive input into this discussion. Leave.</p>
<p>Well, maybe spaz was the wrong word. Pathological liar? Delusional? Bi-Polar? These sound more appropriate in light of the magic GPA you have.</p>
<p>Where do you work? Really?</p>
<p>Wait…I thought I was the cynical history professor?</p>
<p>How do we know this isn’t a hypothetical situation in this hypothetical life you’ve created on CC? I’M SO LOST!</p>
<p>Okay, let me clarify that for you.</p>
<p>You are a COMBINATION of the little nerdy know-it-all kid and jack@$$ teacher.</p>
<p>Now, where do you work? You always seem to have such great advice that no one could live without.</p>
<p>Well in my hypothetical life I work as an NFL quarterback.</p>
<p>Don’t want to embarrass your current employee that you are seriously arguing with someone on an online forum about something that you have no business even discussing?
Yeah, I’d be embarrassed for them.</p>
<p>Well, at least they’re paying me while I do it. Kinda makes it worth it…</p>
<p>I wasn’t going to post anymore, but seriously?
His name is “workingATbig4.”</p>
<p>This might be a stretch, but if I’d have to guess, I’d say he works at a big 4 firm.</p>
<p>Yeah, I’m sure that makes it better. Maybe they will catch you one day and do what they should have done a while ago, kick your worthless @$$ out of the door. That is assuming, there even is a real company that would even hire you.</p>
<p>Wrong. The big 4, in my case, means the big 4 fast food chains (McDonald’s, KFC, Wendy’s, and Burger King).</p>
<p>They catch me all the time. Except, it isn’t really “catching” me. They don’t really care what I am doing while I am flipping patties.</p>
<p>Maybe it is a stretch.</p>
<p>I’m not sure if the “Big 4” are capable of hiring someone with such knowledge. You must be a disciple from God.</p>
<p>Any major company can basically see everything you’re doing on your computer.
I think it suffices to say that they don’t care and why would they? So long as you’re not looking at porn and you’re getting your work done, it doesn’t matter.</p>
<p>And where do you work, sir?</p>
<p>Where do you go to school, sir?</p>
<p>University of Florida.</p>
<p>Why are you guys so bad at football now? What happened?!?</p>