T Mobile Corporate Internships

<p>I feel like I keep applying to internships that no one else does but for some reason are competitive.</p>

<p>I originally said Nordstrom (No word yet) and no one replied, I feel like it will be the same with T mobile.
I applied for a t mobile internship (marketing) at their HQ in Bellevue, WA.
Has anyone else done the same/interviewed/completed an internship there?</p>

<p>Does the companies actively recruit from your school or are you just going online and applying?</p>

<p>They recruit not for HQ jobs but regional store positions. I do email them, though (the recruiters directly with just a resume) to get their attention. They both have replied back.</p>

<p>Don’t really get what you’re saying after your first sentence…</p>

<p>But anyways…the chances of you getting an internship for a position not recruited for at your school are low. The fact that they are sending people to recruit for local stores but not HQ says a lot about what they want from your school. It doesn’t mean nobody from your school has a chance, but it does mean that your resume better be leaps and bounds above what they are used to seeing from students at your school. Is your school even anywhere close to either of these companies HQ?</p>

<p>The best thing you can do since you aren’t getting any response is to first seek advice from the recruiters looking for store clerks of how you could get a position at hq. But you need to also be realistic and start applying to places (and for positions) that actually do recruit at your school because if you don’t there is a good chance you will be left with nothing.</p>

<p>I said that BOTH HQ recruiters from Nordstrom and T Mobile HAVE responded individually back to me and mentioned something off of my resume in their email they like (for example: my two marketing internships).</p>







<p>You did not say that. You said they recruit for regional store positions and that you emailed the recruiters and they responded. That implies that you emailed the people recruiting for the regional store positions and THEY responded back.</p>

<p>I’d suggest taking some remedial writing classes. Seriously…I can’t even help you because you are so unclear as to what you are saying/doing. If your resume is half as unclear as your posts I can only imagine what they are thinking.</p>

<p>You just can’t read. I said only their regional store recruiters come to my school but I have emailed the corporate recruiters and “they both replied”. I made that pretty clear in my second post. When I said “no one replied” I meant no one on cc. When I said “no word yet” I meant the recruiter hasn’t contacted me or anyone I know from across the country about interviewing. I will admit, part of that I typed on my phone quickly. If you weren’t so rude about it, I wouldn’t be rude back. Plus you are no help to me unless you have experience either one (im assuming you have not). This is a thread for people who have applied/work there/interviewed/interned. Your common knowledge isn’t anything I didn’t hear in high school. Thanks anyway.</p>

<p>If you honestly feel that you explained your situation in a way that anyone outside of yourself would be able to understand than you’re hopeless.</p>

<p>Go for the store positions. That’s obviously your best shot.</p>

<p>I’m not trying to be rude, but perhaps you’re looking for positions in the wrong field.
Your posts indicate that communication is not exactly a strong point for you and English may not be your first language.
These traits will make finding a job in marketing incredibly difficult.</p>

<p>Did I say I typed the first and second post on a smartphone? I have already had two marketing internships. I have applied for 7 internships this year, interviewed with 5 (all five interviewed and ended in December), and out of those 5 I received 3 offers. I took one for this spring. The last two that i haven’t been interviewed for are Nordstrom and t mobile HQ.
I receive two academic (full ride) scholarships, i have a 3.8 gpa, two leadership positions, community service hours, and i am in my state’s secondary education hall of fame. I think i can read, write, spell, and obtain high quality marketing internships.</p>

<p>If you stop and think about it, all you are doing is trolling now. Clearly you have zero experience with either company and therefore it is pointless for you to post in this thread. I don’t need generic responses. I did’nt ask, “How do I get an internship?”. I believe I asked, “Has anyone here ever had an internship at T-Mobile HQ?”. Big difference (but you already know that since you are such a genius). What is it you do for a “living”? Sit around a computer all day and annoy college students and pretend like you are some type of intellectual with some insight into job hunting that no one else knows?
Please. Get a life.</p>




<p>Oh, excuse me.</p>

Do you just sit around and pretend to be better than everyone else? Do you normally post in threads where you have no knowledge or expertise to be a b*tch? Something tells me the answer to that question is yes.</p>

Sit around on your @$$ and pretend to be the second coming. That is what you do.</p>

<p>You remind me of my high school AP American History teacher. Conservative, hated everyone and every single thing. You know what we call people like you? Cynical. You are one of those idiots that believes it is cool to be cynical.
[The</a> 5 Saddest Things People Do to Look Smart | Cracked.com](<a href=“http://www.cracked.com/blog/the-5-saddest-things-people-do-to-look-smart_p2/]The”>http://www.cracked.com/blog/the-5-saddest-things-people-do-to-look-smart_p2/)
[The</a> 7 Stupidest Things That Make People Proud | Cracked.com](<a href=“http://www.cracked.com/blog/the-7-stupidest-things-that-make-people-proud/]The”>The 7 Stupidest Things That Make People Proud | Cracked.com)</p>

<p>Read these. These are you. You are an idiot.</p>

<p>y umadbro?!?!?</p>

<p>nah i aint mad bro. I is tryin to show u wat da deal is son?
reed dem artikles and u find out dat u is a dum piece of $#it. u is so cool and smart man. i wish i was 1/2 as smart as you are. Man that would be so nice! gosh, I bet your iq is about a 65 or lower! dam now thats impressive!</p>

<p>So your gpa went up from 3.4 to a 3.8 since january 6th? That’s pretty impressive. Especially considering the bulk of schools release 1st semester grades long before that.
Congrats on being in the hall of fame. You sound like an amazing person.</p>

<p>Angry elf.
My dear angry elf.
You are also one of the cynics.
When did I say 3.4? Oh yeah, that is right. When I didn’t post the thread that says 3.4.
Sometimes I ask questions hypothetically (that means, if it were the case). Sorry. I would assume my GPA could drop to a 3.4 before graduation, I think it creates a nice pad.</p>

<p>Notice how my threads do not match up? I just ask about scenarios just in case I end up in one.</p>

<p>And what does raging on an Internet forum make you? How about spaz? Go take your meds.</p>