T20 schools class of 2028

hey! noticed that there wasn’t a thread for the class of 2028, let’s chat and share tips, strategies, and advise. This concerns all applicants of competitive schools. Share whatever you like.

if you saw this message, can you share your college list ?

T20 by what metric?

Even if just looking at USNWR rankings:

Top 20 national universities?
Top 20 undergraduate CS?
Top 20 mechanical engineering?
Top 20 undergraduate business?

There are of course, additional rankings from other sources.

These lists each have a different set of schools.


Likely the Top 20 most selective universities, which pretty much aligns with the Top 20 of USNWR and other rankings. The Ivy+, WashU, Rice, Johns Hopkins, Cal Tech, Northwestern and some combination of ND, Berkeley & UCLA

Rising 8th graders and their parents getting an early start.

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I note those are not the 20 most selective colleges in the United States, nor the 20 most selective schools or restricted majors with direct first-year admissions within colleges.

It is an odd list when you think about it. US News has collected together a list of only research universities, but then ranked them by their colleges, and some of those colleges have one general admission pool, and others have specialty schools/majors, in-state/out-of-state, and so on.

Oh well.

I think the conversation works best for the thread in each college’s subforum.

Alternatively, if one wants to start a general thread for seniors applying this year, be my guest. But limiting to T20 is not really in the welcoming spirit of the site and will only devolve into off-topic discussion of T20 definition.

Tl:Dr Closing