TAG Mistake Help

So I TAG’d UCI for Computer Science but for some reason, however, on my normal UC App I accidentally applied as CS and Engineering (I don’t know how I made this mistake without realizing). What will they make of this? I assume they will automatically void my TAG and just go off my normal app which sucks for me because I have all the reqs completed for CS but I am missing one physics class for CSE :.

I know it is very late in the admission process to be realizing mistakes so I understand most likely nothing can be done but I did email their admissions office, and I tried calling but I was put on hold for 3 hours.

Has anyone seen this happen? Will they consider my TAG? How loose is UCI with prereqs? What are my chances if I appeal.


Major: CS (CSE in this case I guess lol)
IGETC: Completed
Prereqs: Missing one
GPA: 3.88

if you miss a required class, you won’t be allowed to enroll. I’d call again - or if practical go to the campus and and ask how they recommend you proceed.

Are you sure, my friend got into UCR missing 2 reqs or is UCI just more strict with reqs @NCalRent

Regardless I will call Monday

It depends on the school and how selective admission is that year. I transferred to Davis this past fall and claimed I’d take a prerequisite Poli Sci course but ended dropping it because I was being dumb and 1) didn’t think I’d get in so I’d be wasting my time taking a theory class I didn’t like and 2) had my heart set on UCR (and they didn’t require the class to transfer) but alas like all Asian parents, they wanted me near home and was more than happy I got into UCD as it’s also ranked better than UCR (which I honestly couldn’t care less). ANYWHO, after getting into Davis, I began to panick as I didn’t take a prerequisite class I claimed I’d take before transferring. Contacted admissions, told them what happened, they told me I should stick to the class and not drop (but it was already too late because I dropped a few days to a week prior to being accepted and couldn’t be readded). Turned in the form thing on Davis to let them know my change in schedule and alas, I got an email saying everything was approved and my admissions wouldn’t be revoked. So it honestly depends on the school and if they decide to be lenient on you or not.

Also, my friend TAG’d UCI for Comp Sci (Informatics) and had her TAG voided because she was missing a prerequisite so you may be in the same boat as her. She called admissions and they told her she’d be considered for regular admission instead. But who knows, maybe they’ll be lenient on you. Maybe not. Good luck though!!!

@dianeuh96 Thank you for your information it is very much appreciated!

About your story about your friend. In my situation I am not missing any requisites for the major I applied for. I am only missing requisites for the major i applied for through regular admission. How do you think they will perceive that?

@Twenmi I honestly think you’ll be fine. How many prereqs are you missing for the regular admission major? If it’s one or two, I doubt they’ll penalize you and flat out reject you. They’ll still consider your GPA and classes you took most likely when reviewing your application.

@dianeuh96 I’m only missing one (Physics 4B)! Everything else I have totally covered! That makes me feel a little better, but of course I will still call monday!

Thanks again!

Update: After speaking to an admission counselor, my TAG will be voided. I will update the thread when my admission is released. I am expecting a rejection now.