TAG notification

<p>Does anyone know how exactly we will be contacted regarded the TAG decisions for UCSD? My transfer center advisor said they contact each school individually and have the school submit all the tag apps, and therefore each school will hear back about the decisions individually. Has anyone from any school actually heard back yet? Oh yea this only pertains to those that actually filled out the TAG contract (not those that simply "indicated" or checked the TAG box on the app)</p>

<p>Correct me if I’m wrong but I believe that simply checking the TAG box on the UC application was all that was required to “sign” the TAG agreement, right?</p>

<p>This is what my counselor said and he never mentioned any actual paper contract that was to be mailed to UCSD.</p>

<p>although it may give you the “guaranteed admission” that comes with ucsd’s tag for just checking the box, I don’t think you get any kind of early notification etc UNLESS you submitted the actual form --this was the form I filled out with a counselor and submitted (last two pages) <a href=“uctransfer.org”>uctransfer.org;

<p>If you look at the very last section of the tag application you can clearly see there is a section where the UC admission officer accepts/rejects your TAG; I would highly doubt that you will get this notification unless you actually submitted the TAG application as they simply send back the one you sent in to them. Also, anyone can just click the box, it doesn’t mean they have met the requirements, such as finishing both the math and both english by the end of fall.</p>