take a look

<p>Tell me if you think I have better than an average shot at Princeton, Yale, Harvard, Dartmouth, UofC, and Duke</p>

<p>GPA ~3.8u/w, 4.7w but for grades 10 and 11 4.0u/w, 5.0 w
School doesn't rank, very competitive
SAT I 800 800 780 (Math, even though math is my best subject)
SAT II 800 math2, 800 physics, 790 chem
ACT 35 but I'm not sending this in because i got a 34 in math and that just reinforces the idea that I cant do simple math</p>

all 5s on BC calc, AB subscore, physics B, stats, us history, chemistry
now taking AP: spanish, euro, physics c, bio
also taking multivariable</p>

<p>ECs: on commonapp i only listed 6 out of the 7 spots because i have good involvement in each, I could add another and probably will but i dont want to look to spread thin
Recs, essays all very good</p>

<p>what's a reach, what's a match, will i fair better than average</p>

<p>maybe. but that fact that you dont want to send in ur ACT score because you got a 34 is seriously rediculous. If your a good math student, or just STUDENT in general, the test scores wont hold any weight—that is, enough weight to keep you from going from harvard or not. Besides that, I’d say y not-your credentials sound pretty darn good. good luck!</p>

<p>bumpity 10char</p>

<p>I know that you’re almost 100% in all the UCs</p>

<p>anyone else? anybody?</p>

<p>duke and uc - high match
dartmouth - low reach
harvard- reach
yale- low reach</p>