Take the ACT after...?

<p>I took SAT 4 times already (1520 old, 2100 new), but my parents want me to take the ACT also. But wouldnt the colleges frown upon that since that would be 5 standarized tests? </p>

<p>I'm looking to apply to colleges such as MIT and Cornell.</p>

<p>Thank you!</p>

<p>Take it b/c colleges won't worry about taking to separate tests.</p>

<p>4 times is too much already.</p>

<p>i know 4 times is much already, but it is still kidn of reasonable. That's why im asking</p>

<p>I would go ahead and take the ACT, you can always not report it.</p>

<p>But let's say that I do very well on it if i take it. If i report it, wouldn't that look bad since i took tests 5 times?</p>

<p>take it- you have nothing to lose</p>

<p>in my mind, theres not much of a difference between 4 and 5. also, the act is a completely different test. while it might be your 5th standardized test, it is only your first act. just do it. (swoosh)</p>