Taking 2 math courses simultaneously

<p>Hey, I want to take both math 18 and 52 next semester. I took multivariable calc my junior year and linear algebra my senior year, so I don’t think it’ll be too bad since it’s mainly a review. However, the math department at Brown is not the best department… I know it’s early to be thinking of this, but I like to have an idea of a set schedule early so it’s over with and I can be ready to register. So, is it possible/advisable to take these 2 math classes together??</p>

<p>I don’t see why not. Neither class presupposes material from the other and if you’re comfortable with it I’d say just go for it. Just be prepared to deal with having multiple problem sets due each week.</p>

<p>This wouldn’t be too bad. Be aware that there are honors version of both classes (Math 35 and Math 54) that you shouldn’t rule out.</p>

<p>Personally, I wouldn’t recommend Math 52 (54 is sooo much better). I really think that Math 52 would have been harder for me because they use sloppier notation and end up not proving a lot of things. Math54 is a much more logical class. Everything is presented to you (it’s very much a definition,theorem, proof,example type of class) in a clear manner, and the tests are extremely reasonable (seriously, I don’t know of anyone who thought they were unfair). Math54 is the bomb! take it :)</p>

<p>Math35 is sort of a killer class, I know there is a new teacher this year so I don’t have too much info about it. Also, if you took multi var calc you probably don’t have to take it again unless you feel like you need to (I took it in high school, won’t take it in college even though my major requires it, and will fulfill the req since many of my classes require use of multivar calc anyways). Just some scattered ideas for you! But two math classes is certainly reasonable, especially since the topics aren’t too related.</p>

<p>^Just shop 52 and 54, along with 35 and 18, and take whichever has the better professor. If it’s a wash, go with which one fits better. I am probably the type of math-y student who would “fit” into 54, but am in 52 because 1. I really like how Hee Oh teaches, 2. I’ve got friends in 52 to study with, and 3. I’m taking 3 CS classes and don’t want to spend more than 5 hours/week on my math class.</p>