I Just finished applying to 4 year colleges for Fall 2017. As of this fall, I have all the transferable credits I need. I want to work full time until school starts in the fall. Will there be problems, in any way, if I take Spring semester 2017 off?
Thank you.
I would recommend speaking to the universities you applied to about that.
That being said, I imagine if you put down that you were taking zero classes next semester then they will judge your application based on that.
It is perfectly OK to take time off. Don’t worry about that. Just be sure that you are completely withdrawn from your current institution.
When you mean completely withdrawn, do you mean cancelling my enrollment with the school? Or to just be sure I don’t have any interaction with the school during the semester? Thank you so much for your help.
Make sue that you are formally not enrolled for classes this semester. Ask them what you need to do. You might need to ask for a leave of absence, or to formally withdraw. Just not showing up doesn’t automatically mean you won’t get a bill. And be sure that you aren’t enrolled for any classes. Students who forget to cancell their course registrations on time can end up with a semester of F grades.