Taking AP Exam after IB Biology SL?

Hey, I dont know if this has been asked yet, I have seen a lot of posts saying that taking the AP exam after taking the full course for IB Biology HL is definitely not a bad decision, because it covers more in depth than what the AP class has to offer, but what about SL? I know that there are certain areas that SL rush over, but HL covers in depth, but does SL cover the standards for the AP Biology Exam? Or should I consider another route? Such as taking another science SL instead and taking AP Biology Online? (I am currently a highschool sophomore planning on doing IB next year and want to figure out the specifics before putting myself in IB.)

Talk to your teacher. At our school, there were classes that had overlap with SL and AP and ones that did not - a lot depended on the teacher as well as the curriculum. It also depended on how many students were interested in each.

Chem was one where students who took SL could also take AP. Bio was different classes. But the teacher would know best what is being covered relative to the test.