Taking Course at CC

I want to take Spanish 3 and Spanish 4 at a local community college. I want to do this because it is much less labor-intensive (requires two times less work) and I want to have room on my schedule for another class that I’m interested in next year. However, I fear that colleges would look down on this, since Spanish 3 and 4 are already offered at my high school. So, I guess my question is, do colleges prefer a class being taught at one’s own high school rather than a local community college?


bump. Any help would be appreciated

It makes no difference ; dual enrollment is pretty common.

Shouldn’t be a problem especially if it’s going to give you time for another class. It’ll just mean more work when you have to get ahold of your transcripts from there and send those in or have to report the classes, but that is no big deal, I just didn’t like doing it lol But no one looks down on that so you’re good.

ok thanks guys