Taking IB Chem HL and IB Physics HL at the same time??

Hi I will be going into the IB program next year and I was wondering if taking two IB HL science classes (chem and physics) would be too much. I would also be doing: Math HL, Spanish SL, Psychology SL, and Language and Lit HL.

My daughter did it…do you need to take Lit HL too? Not sure i would take 4 HL courses with 2 sciences

There are people in my grade (including myself) who took Math, physics, and chemistry HL. It is a very challenging combination of courses (hard content, more exams [sciences all have three papers]) but still manageable if you are willing to work hard, and they can become very useful when you apply to engineering/science/math in college (that is, if you excel in these courses).

However I would say that taking a fourth HL maybe a little risky and unnecessary. No university anywhere would require you to take more than three HLs and some of them don’t even care if you do. If you are doing the full diploma, you also need to do your TOK essay & presentation, 4000-word extended essay, CAS activities. In addition to that, you might also want to leave some time for sports, clubs, or any other extra curricular activities that you want to get involved in.

If you are confident that you can do well with four HLs, then go ahead. Some colleges don’t care, but some will appreciate it. However, it would be less risky to just take the three HLs in math and science, do well in them, and meanwhile also spend time to excel in your EE, TOK, CAS, and other activities.