I am a current freshman student at a 4 year private university. My goal is to become certified to teach both English and Social Studies in secondary schools, however, to do this, I must double major. I have calculated that it is not possible for me to double major while also completing all my education certification classes AND the rest of my general ed courses. Therefore, I am looking to take my foreign language requirements outside of my university.
Since this summer has basically cancelled all internships and other experiences, I would prefer to get it done now as I will just be sitting at home anyways. However, my local community college is already booked in the realm of language classes and is starting summer classes now (I don’t get done with my actual university’s classes until June 15th and would prefer to start classes later than this as to avoid double booking a class/overloading myself.)
Does anyone know of any accredited schools which offer online, language classes (preferably Spanish as I have some experience in this and could skip the first class)? Are there any that offer it for relatively cheap (possibly under $1k?) I live in Ohio and attend school in Wisconsin if this helps. However, I don’t seem to be having much luck with the schools in Ohio.