Taking SAT Subject Tests in May

<p>Is this a good idea? I would be taking, for example, AP US History the day before I take the SAT US History. Has anyone done this? How was it?

<p>I didn't do it, but I should have. It helps cause you will know everything.</p>

<p>Well heres my case for you</p>

<p>I took APEC and signed up for the World History test in June and i got a 520 on it.</p>

<p>I waited about two years, took out a World History Guide study book a week before the exame and read over what i didnt know and i got a 730. The tests are pretty basic, IMHO you dont need the added stress over the weekend before AP tests.</p>

<p>It's definitely a good idea because you get all your studying done in one shot.</p>

<p>I wish I had done that for AP US History, since you need to know around the same things. </p>

<p>Anyone know if it's the same deal with AP Chem/SAT 2 Chem?</p>

<p>That's what I'm doing for Biology SAT II/AP Bio and SAT II USH/AP USH</p>

<p>I took the SAT 2 in May. I knew everything for the US History, for for physics, I used the SAT 2 to figure out what I didn't know for the AP -- everything worked out for me.</p>