tales of roommate website: _____blue? what's the name?

<p>what's that site where the guy writes about his horrible roommate? i think part of the name is 'blue'?</p>


<p>got shut down a while back, too late now :).</p>

<p>no! why was it shut down?</p>

<p>because the roommate he was making fun of found out about it.</p>

<p>that must suck for him.
i'll miss those rants.</p>



<p>But why would that shut the website down? What happened to free speech? Or did he shut it out of courtesy?</p>

<p>I think the roommate blew up at him and he shut it down out of guilt. He made a thread on cc explaining the whole mess a few days after he did it. Try searching for it.</p>

<p>Oh! Are you serious? I loved that site. I really miss it now. That poor roommate, he must be DYING in embarrasment.</p>

<p>I tried searching for it and couldn't find him. The creator of the website last posted in March so I'm not sure how he made the thread about his website closing? I'm so curious now!</p>

<p>On further inspection, you are correct. The guy's name is jjjames and he seems to have removed all but one of his posts. I guess he removed the post in question so that his roommate would never find it (he had told his roommate that the whole site was a 'joke', and probably didn't want any evidence to contradict him). Sorry for all those who didn't get to see him say goodbye. I miss that site as much as the next guy. <em>sob</em></p>

<p>I'm kinda curious why a guy who was sooooo passionate about his hatred for the dude would suddenly fold as soon as the roommate found out. Especially if, as I recall, they weren't even going to have to live together for much longer. </p>

<p>I get the guilt thing, but if he truly felt guilty about being mean I think he would have all the way through, not just when he got caught. </p>

<p>It seems it's really easy to be tough and funny and bold behind the computer screen, and maybe not so tough as soon as you realize the other guy knows. I'm all about blowing off steam. And he did so creatively, no less. But I think it's silly to go back and delete any evidence of your guilt to avoid confrontation, when clearly the dude NEEDED to confront the roommate anyway.</p>

<p>no, I think (i have no evidence, I am simply putting this out their as per my opinion) he was afraid that the kid would press charges on him. Try to claim some of it was slander or lible or whatever.</p>