<p>LOL@ “waiting to develop a prefrontal cortex” … a bit skeptical about the “like the rest” part though… Either way, give me a few years; I’ll hook you up. ;)</p>
<p>And DUDE I wish you were right, but, as I was just writing in our ex-thread, I have a bad feeling I’m not going to find out until well into May. Ugh. </p>
<p>@deadx: By all means, please do feel free to ramble away, especially about evolution and diseases. That is the name of this thread, isn’t? </p>
<p>That documentary was mediocre at best. I find it incredibly weird when people say, “Yes, I want to read the book before I see the movie!” Why would anyone ever do it this way?? It’s just backward. Not once in my life have I ever read a great book, and then afterward seen the movie and thought that it didn’t suck. The books are (almost) <em>always</em> better, and so ruin the movie. (I threw in the “almost” qualifier there only because universals make me cringe, not because I can think of a single counterexample!) See the movie first, for sure. But I digress. </p>
<p>Especially if you liked the film, you MUST read that book. It was incredible. I remember having to stop and restart the movie a few times because it just felt long and tedious, but even after reading the book once, my husband and I listened to the whole thing on audiobook during various road trips - twice. Seriously, it’s that good. Except maybe the entire chapter devoted to corn. I can’t lie, that was a bit much for me, but necessary I suppose. Sans that, it’s amazeballs. Got into a semi-heated debate once in US History 1301 with a professor about something related to the possibility of inferior genetics among Native American tribes or something. I won the debate, courtesy of a Jared Diamond citation, and the next class period he read an excerpt from it aloud. True story. :D</p>
<p>Also, just happened to see your stats on the front page of our ex-thread, and I’m wondering if I know you. I’m @ACC in PTK, too. Do you ever go to any of the volunteer stuff they do? Feel free to ignore this question entirely. I know things are supposed to be hush-hush anonymous around here, though I’m not totally sure why.</p>