Tall Men Get Better Educations

<p>In this story, <a href="http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/11127577/from/RS.2/%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/11127577/from/RS.2/&lt;/a>, research is described showing that taller men get better educations:
"Men taller than 194 cm (6 ft 4 in) were two to three times more likely to obtain a higher education when compared with men shorter than 165 cm," it added.


<p>Apparently, women weren't part of this study so there's no data on taller vs. shorter women.</p>

<p>One can only assume that when this study gets publicized, sales of human growth hormone, lift shoes, and reproductions of medieval stretching racks will skyrocket. ;)</p>

<p>for every inch u gain in height
U get $5000 extra a year</p>

<p>-Blink (Malcolm Gladwell) read it</p>

<p>that sucks =( im 5'5" and 17! hopefullyi i can still grow?</p>

<p>I call bull.</p>

<p>Wow. Bad luck for the average man in Asia.</p>

<p>Course, there could be cultural bias. <em>reads article</em> </p>

<p>Hah! It's based on Swedes!</p>

<p>But I do wonder if the taller men in each country do have better chances of a higher education and jobs and stuff... hmmm...</p>

<p>Karolinska Institute...my father was looking at that for biotechnology for me. Heh heh. Small world.</p>

<p>Those figures are meaningless without normalization. When you look at education per inch of height there is no real advantage to being taller.</p>

<p>well, in many countries taller=more nutrition, better-fed, etc. and of course that is connected to money, which is also connected to education.</p>

<p>just a theory...</p>

<p>nice, i'm 6'2" so I'm in the green!</p>

<p>It's because they can see the blackboard better.</p>

<p>There are lot's of prejudices and most of them are not illegal. Many insidious ones are not even frowned upon. For men, being tall, perhaps thin, and otherwise good-looking is a huge advantage in life. We all know what helps women. Having an easy-going personality helps in many arenas, but not all.</p>

<p>I'm 6' 3". Allright. According to a recent study from US News and World Report, we get paid more, too! :D</p>

<p>Nice, I'm 6 feet AND I'm Asian. How weird is that?</p>

<p>6'5'', 6'6'' with shoes.</p>

<p>I'm rich!!11!!!1!!!11one!1!!!!!!oen!!~</p>

<p>Sometimes things can be overdone. Besides, are you good-looking?</p>

<p>I'm 5'6" and the tallest person in my immediate family. Both my parents went to graduate school, with my Dad getting an MBA at Harvard.</p>

<p>Somehow, this statistic doesn't ring true to me.</p>



<p>That's the difference between statistical and anecdotal evidence. :)</p>

<p>Still, I have to imagine that the height/education correlation is fairly weak, and a smart short guy will always get into better schools than a tall lummox. (Unless the tall lummox can play basketball.)</p>

Unless the tall lummox can play basketball.

Hahaha, yeah. ;)</p>

<p>I better not mension the fact that tall people are generally of north-western european descent... I might get called a racist! Just pointing out that people in England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, Germany, Belgium, Switzerland, Austria, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, and Iceland tend to be taller than people in other parts of the world.</p>

<p>Everythings is relative. Do tall men in China get extra respect? (yes)</p>

<p>lol i'm 5'6 tallest person in my family...and i'm a girl.</p>

<p>my poor dad and 20 year old brother. (5'5 and 5'3 respectively)</p>