TAMU Class of 2021 - Admissions Decisions

@gogogogobruins your son should have a pretty strong chance based on ACT. It’ll probably come down to essay/volunteer and work experience. I’ve done wayyyyy too much research on admissions so I’m pretty good at guessing chances but guys please don’t quote me or take anything I say as a guarantee. I’m just giving my opinion.

@gogogogobruins – I think he has a strong chance of admission.

I would be super realistic about scholarships though. It’s a tough world out there these days for merit based scholarships. You need $4000 to get in-state tuition right? It’s hard to say how much is being dished out. From this site alone, it doesn’t look like much. I know in-state kids with stats higher than your student’s who have so far received zero in merit scholarships. It is my understanding that departmental awards have still not gone out so maybe there is a chance there?

OK @warrior101x …my daughters STATS…

Review Applicant
ACT 25
GPA 4.43 (idk if this is weighted or un-weighted)
87/707 (top 12%)
2 Rec letters (one from former Aggie)
3 Essays
Brother goes to TAMUG
AP Classes/ DC Classes
Drill Team/NHS/NSHS/Job
Community service (2x Haiti)

She applied Sept 22 and still hasn’t heard, wants to eventually be Chem Engineer but applied for BioChem & Chem thinking she would have a better chance of getting in versus through getting straight into Engineering.

We are about to lose our minds! HELP, does she have a chance for full admission

@JacksonDobe That gives me a lot of hope! Congrats! Our stats are similar.
I have a 3.8 GPA
22 ACT (About a 1110 SAT)
12% of class
I’m in the dance program, I think I had great essays with lots of service hours and ECs.

I’m praying for everyone on here!! The wait is painful, but I have hope.

@TAMUMOM72 - all freshman applicants are admitted to General engineering. I’m not sure if it makes a difference if they apply to a specific major since the end result is the same.

What is TAMUG (confused about the “G” part!)

What was her ACT math score specifically? Has she taken an AP Calc class?

Her rank and her ACT are below the auto/academic levels for A&M admission and from last year’s admission cycle it doesn’t look to make her competitive for engineering admissions. It’s good that she applied early, that may increase her chances.

What other schools has she applied to? Will she be open to Blinn admission?

So on Friday night, I checked my AIS and they offered me the PSA option and nothing else. It’s really bothering me because I have been seeing many other people with lower stats than mine being offered Blinnteam/TAMUG/gateway. And all I got was PSA.
Rank: 25%
GPA: 4.0 W
SAT (New): 1200
5 AP Courses
2 Well written Letters
Wrote all 3 essays
President of a Club, NHS, Rho Kappa, NTHS, and Ping Pong Club
75+ hours of service
Visited campus

TAMUG = Texas A&M University- Galveston

@AGmomx2 --ahh, thanks! I clearly need more coffee this morning.

@TAMUMOM72 --she wants full admission to the CS campus, right?

When did you apply: October of 2016
When did you get your UIN: A few days later
When did you receive your admission decision: 2/5/2017
Auto-admit? Academic Admit? Review Admit: Review
Major/College of Choice: Did you get in: Geosciences. No
Honors program: No
Class Rank: 37/110
SAT: 1310
ACT: none
GPA HS: weighted: 4.964/5.0, 4.59/4.0, Unweighted: 3.59/4.0 College: 3.55/4.0
Essay: Two of them. The same two I submitted to UT
Letter: This probably was my downfall. Forgot to submit!!
Volunteer hours: Over 100 in High school
Internship: Worked under the curator of paleontology at the Houston Museum of Natural Science (my absent rec letter was from him)
Jobs: Two summer jobs concurrently at the two HMNS locations as a Teaching Assistant
Honors: Outstanding Student of the Year 2015-2016, NHS Member, Honors Math Club (for college) President, various other clubs and orgs,
And I’ve been taking college classes since 9th grade to top this all off. I am so appalled by this. I have 60 credit hours and have had over 100 hours in an internship related to the field. I am heartbroken that I was not admitted. I was offered the PSA thing but I have already completed TWO years of college so that would be silly!

@aggie88 I just noticed my daughter’s major on Howdy now says “College Station Summer 2017” and “Major: GEST Program: BAC-GEST”. However her AIS status is still “In Review” and the major on there is still Business. Does this mean Gateway or could it possibly mean Blinn Team? Also, if it is Gateway, we had planned a huge family vacation when the Summer session II starts!! We would be faced with a huge dilemma because the family vacation involves grandparents/aunts/uncles changing their plans.

She didn’t apply for engineering, like my post said she applied to biochemical and chemical bc she was afraid she would t get straight into the engineering program.
TAMU is TAMU-Galveston.
I disagree with The grades and rank but that’s ok, yes she has taken many AP classes and is currently taking AP Calculus. Not sure about specific math score. Yes, she said she would accept Blinn Team/Gatwway but hoping she will get straight in through Biochem or Chen.

@carachel2 yes, she applied to Cstat with biochem (1st choice) & chem (2nd) not into the engineering program
@aggrad91 when was the last one you checked bf you saw the change?

@TAMUMOM72 your daughter has a chance. Low ACT score but the fact that she went to Haiti to volunteer helps a ton. I have a friend who went there a bunch and it helped him a lot with applications. Even students with low scores and rank can get in if they make up for it with essays and EC’s.

Me personally, I’m hoping my work experience helps me in the process. I have a very high level job that I work 5-6 days a week. It’s hurt my grades so my GPA is low but I have to work it to pay for bills and family expenses. I hope colleges see that stuff. I’m sure they do.

@aggrad91 Yep, that is Gateway! Congratulations!!! There is also the New Student Conference June 22-23 that is mandatory for Gateway…:slight_smile:

@TAMUMOM72 I looked either Thursday or Friday.

@aggie18 So when can I expect the AIS status to change from “In Review” to whatever it will say? Tomorrow perhaps?

When did you apply: August 13, 2016
When did you get your UIN: A week later
When did you receive your admission decision: Still under review?
Auto-admit? Academic Admit? Review Admit: Review
Major/College of Choice: Business Did you get in: No
Honors program: No
Class Rank: Top 25%
SAT: 1270
ACT: 28
GPA HS: weighted: Unweighted: 5.0165/5.0 (My high school does it out of 5)
Essays: Completed A, B, and C. Nothing too special about them.
Letter: 2 letters of recommendation.
Volunteer hours: NHS required hours.

Just this morning I checked my Howdy account and saw 6 tabs instead of the usual 3 tabs. I went to My Records, and then clicked on “Undergraduate Degree Planner.” It says “Program: Blinn Team” and “Major: Blinn Team.” My AIS has not updated but I’m assuming it should update overnight if all of this means that I got Blinn Team. Does anyone know if this means I got Blinn Team? When should the AIS update? Thanks!

@TAMUMOM72 --hey trust me, we are all rooting for each other!! The ACT score could be the tipping point but on the other hand, she has fantastic ECs and has solid classes. Let’s hope she finds out soon!

@aggrad91 who knows! It’s been crazy! I am just looking forward I not looking at howdy for a while!

@warrior101x you say low rank but she is 87/707 which puts her 12 away from top 10? Also you said 4.43 is a low GPA before but I’m not really understanding that either since the average acceptance for A&M is 3.5. Act 25 isn’t high like 33 but a 25 is average for A&M. If she werrr eyeing to get into the engineering right off the bat I would see that these were lower than the top 10 but not bad. She has been to Haiti two times and got a reccomwndation letter from an alumni so I am all of this will help too. Has anyone head if biochem/Chem majors are difficult to get accepted into?

@TAMUMOM72 I said low ACT. Her rank is fine. Her ACT is what could potentially hurt her. She has a very strong chance but like I said, I’m not the admissions people. I’ve just done a lot of research. Sorry if I misspoke