TAMU Class of 2021 - Admissions Decisions

It is August 1st! Good Luck everyone applying to Texas A&M University.
This thread on the TAMU forum is for the HS class of 2017 applying for Fall 2017 admission.

When did you apply:
When did you get your UIN:
When did you receive your admission decision:
Auto-admit? Academic Admit? Review Admit:
Major/College of Choice: Did you get in:
Honors program:
Class Rank:

Applied: 8/01
UIN received: 8/09
Awaiting decision
Auto Admit
College of Architecture
No on honors
Rank - top 20%
ACT: 30
Will update when any more info. For now just wanted to show UIN receipt timeframe.

When did you apply: 8/6
When did you get your UIN: 8/9
When did you receive your admission decision: Awaiting decision
Auto-admit? Academic Admit? Review Admit: Academic Admit
Major/College of Choice: Dwight Look COE MEEN/AERO
Did you get in: Awaiting decision
Honors program: Maybe
Class Rank: Top 18%
ACT: 31

This is for my son, will update when more info comes in. Good luck to everyone applying!!

My post earlier should have said Academic Admit but I got excited since it is still automatic. Can’t edit original. :slight_smile:

When did you apply: 8/7
When did you get your UIN: 8/10
When did you receive your admission decision: Awaiting decision
Auto-admit? Academic Admit? Review Admit: Academic Admit
Major/College of Choice: Dwight Look College of Engineering Aerospace Engineering
Did you get in: Not yet
Honors program: Maybe
Class Rank: My school doesn’t have a ranking system. But I know that I am in the top 10%.
SAT: Old: 1980
New: 1420

When did you apply: 8/1
When did you get your UIN: 8/9
When did you receive your admission decision: Awaiting decision
Auto-admit? Academic Admit? Review Admit: Auto-admit
Major/College of Choice: College of Architecture- Construction Science
Did you get in: To be determined
Honors program: No
Class Rank: Top 8%
SAT: New- 1400

I’m still in the process of trying to send A&M my junior year transcript.

When did you apply: 08/01
When did you get your UIN: 08/09
When did you receive your admission decision: App is complete and in review
Major/College of Choice: 1) Computer Engineering (electrical track) 2) Mechanical Engineering
Honors program: No
Class Rank:37/781 Top 5%
SAT: 1370 (new)
ACT: 29

When did you apply: Daughter applied 8/3
When did you get your UIN: 8/9
When did you receive your admission decision: Still waiting
Auto-admit? Academic Admit? Review Admit: Auto-Admit
Major/College of Choice: Did you get in: COEngineering, waiting
Honors program: Will apply
Class Rank: 37/669
SAT: 1460 (new)
ACT: 33

When did you apply: 08/12
When did you get your UIN: 08/17
When did you receive your admission decision: TBD
Major/College of Choice: 1) Mechanical Engineering 2) Civil Engineering
Honors program: Will definitely apply!
Class Rank: Top 25%
SAT: 1280 (new)
ACT: 30

When did you apply: 08/01
When did you get your UIN: 08/09
When did you receive your admission decision: Awaiting
Automatic Admit
Major/College of Choice: Mays Business School/ Business Administration
Honors program: nah man
Class Rank: 22/422 Top 6%
SAT & ACT: let’s not talk about those

When did you apply:08/23
When did you get your UIN:Not received yet
When did you receive your admission decision:Awaiting
Auto-admit? Academic Admit? Review Admit:Review
Major/College of Choice: Did you get in:Mech Engineering/Physics
Honors program:Maybe
Class Rank:Non-ranking school but GPA:4.0/4.0
ACT:Not taken it.

When does A&M send out acceptances? I’m an academic admit and my application has been “Under Review” for some time.

@newrecruit for my son last year, I think it was 3=4 weeks before he received his admission. I’d have to go back and look up the thread for exact number of days but I think the application was sent Oct 12 and he heard Nov. 6

@newrecruit, The first round of acceptances normally go out the second week of September, often at the end of the week. Two years ago when my son was accepted, it was Friday, Sept. 19 (he applied Aug. 1). Similar timeframe last year.

@newrecruit Also it depends on what major you are applying for. While you may find out that you were accepted to the University in mid to late September it won’t be until early December before the COE notifies those accepted into Dwight Look.

ETA: From the admissions page.

Decisions will be displayed on the Applicant Information System (AIS).

Early Action
Applicants who select Engineering as a first choice major and have a complete admissions file by October 15 will be notified in early December.

All Other Admission Decisions
Applicants will be notified by mid-January.

My daughter was auto admit last year, applied August 1st, received acceptance letter Sept 19th. Major is Education. Son applied August 1st also (they are twins) was not auto admit (top 11% and 30 ACT) but he received his acceptance letter same day. Major- Engineering

@K5hacker, I assume your son was an Academic Admit (with 30 ACT)? That would have meant he was auto admit as well, correct?

When did you apply: August 1st
When did you get your UIN: August 9th
When did you receive your admission decision: Awaiting decision
Auto-admit? Academic Admit? Review Admit: Auto Admit
Major/College of Choice: International Relations & Global Studies in College of Liberal Arts
Did you get in: Not Yet
Honors program: Have not applied
Class Rank: 13/362
SAT: 1340 (new)

When did you apply: 8/15
Admission Decision: in review
Academic Admit
Did not apply to honors
Top 11%
Sat: 1480, 720 math 760 verbal (old sat)
Act: 34 composite

I just submitted my application. Do I have to wait to be admitted to apply for University Honors?