TAMU Class of 2021 - Admissions Decisions

One of my sources told me that “most” decisions would be out by aggieland Saturday and another source told me all decisions would most likely be sent out by aggieland Saturday. So what have y’all heard? Is it safe to assume we will all find out this week?

Well…I talked to someone in admissions and she said they are expecting to have all decisions out by late February early March…I won’t believe anything till I see it in Howdy.

Does anyone know when it’s too late to get on-campus housing as a freshman? Worried that we won’t get it if the decisions don’t come out for another month.

I spoke with admissions on Friday and got a very noncommittal response. Basically, they said that they would like to have most of the decisions out before Saturday, but cannot make any guarantees. The advisor was quite assertive in her statement that the admissions page says all decisions will be made by mid-March. I would love to see something before Saturday, but I am not going to hold my breath.


Does anyone know what will show up on AIS or Howdy if denied?

Everybody planning on going to Aggieland Saturday? Any oos people?

@aggiepc I asked the same question, but it didn’t seem like anyone on here had seen that outcome to Give an answer. Please tag me if you get a response. Thank you!

I went ahead and signed up for housing even though I’m not totally sure we got TEAM besides it being added as the major. The deposit is refundable so worst case I’m out $50 and best case I got my name on the priority list sooner.

@motamir As of today, housing is still open on campus. It will fill up soon…so,as soon as you get 6 tabs on Howdy, sign up and pay the deposit.:slight_smile:

In the final stages of review, is there a chance that the Blinn Team Major gets changed to the Second Major of Choice for full admittance?

Also how can you get into Gateway? I don’t hear much about it but it seems like a wonderful program!

@aggiemom85 you have to be offered Gateway. From what I’m hearing, it’s offered to kids that have had a hardship or some sort of extenuating circumstances.

Thank you. I just read another thread and saw that about Gateway. Very nice program and glad they offer it.

@aggie88 @lizeehhth @motamir @GigemMom …What were your or your child’s stats? Class rank, GPA & ACT/SAT?

Is anyone going to Aggieland Saturday?


ACT- 31
GPA- 4.51
Rank- 35% (counselor told me 25 percentile was a 4.69 GPA at our HS)
4 year varsity athlete

@gogogogobruins We’re OOS and hoping to go Saturday! I’m torn about it, because it’s almost a tease. If my son doesn’t get the waiver, we will have to go with our backup plan. But, we’re less than 5 hours away, so I think he wants to visit one more time, and that’s fine with us! We love it, and neither of us are alumni. There’s just something special that we felt when we were there, and sometimes you can’t put that into words. Praying it all works out.

Rank, assigned second quarter, private school does not rank
Mentioned numerous concussions and had to stop playing football.
Resume sent including activities, lots of sports, and 660 service hours:)
Has 2 sisters at A&M, a senior and a sophomore:)
We are surprised and thankful for this opportunity for our son!

When did you apply: 9/2/16
When did you get your UIN: few days afterwords
When did you receive your admission decision: still waiting
Auto-admit? Academic Admit? Review Admit: Review
Major/College of Choice: Did you get in:1st choice Agribusiness, second Biology
Class Rank: 108/498 (top 21%)
SAT: 1220
ACT: didn’t take

I submitted two strong essays, and about 40 service hours. Im a member of NHS, and I have shown lambs in FFA for three years. I was apart of the Livestock judging team, Radio team, Chapter Conducting team, and I have had a job throughout high school with 25+ hours a week. From march to august I had two jobs so that I could work less in the school year and focus on my grades, but I still work 12 hours a week.

What do y’all think my chances are to get in? The wait is killing me!

@rvhappynow 5 hours! That’s awesome! I wish we were closer! We live near Memphis so that’s just over 600 miles away! We did drive to SNWC but at this point we can’t afford to take time off not even knowing he’s in or not

When did you apply: Early October
When did you get your UIN: few days afterwords
When did you receive your admission decision: still waiting
Auto-admit? Academic Admit? Review Admit: Review
Major/College of Choice: Did you get in:MicroBiology
Class Rank: top 30%
SAT: 1370
ACT: 30

I haven’t noticed anything different on my Howdy or AIS accounts. I did all 3 essays, took 6 AP classes, have about 300 documented volunteer hours, and have been invited to many A&M events, including an overnight scholar event. Do you think I have a good chance of full acceptance?