TAMU Class of 2021 - Admissions Decisions

Does anybody know if a large amount of Dual hours would automatically exclude you from Blinn team???

Has anyone seen a flat out rejection? Just curious. I haven’t seen anyone on any forum state that someone was outright denied admissions.

My daughter is in the review process as well, educ dept in child services. Howdy changed today but the admissions dept said it could be by end of feb to hear decisions. Certainly looks like Blinn Team to me. She submitted Sept 14, was 10.5% in her class and got 1350. Friends at school submitted later than that have already been accepted. Sounds like rolling admissions isn’t exactly how it’s happening. Question: if offered Blinn Team now, and all those that still need to decline their offer from A&M are going to take place in the next few months, will they be bumping some up to A&M acceptance?

Daughter’s major change on Howdy to Team. So not official until AIS updates but to help others waiting.

When did you get your UIN:8/16/17
When did you receive your admission decision: 2/13/17
Auto-admit? Academic Admit? Review Admit: Review
Major/College of Choice: Did you get in: BIMS/No
Honors program: n/a
Class Rank: Top Quarter, small very competitive private school with 15% class national merit (100 students)
SAT: 1230
ACT: 29
3 Letters of REC. 9 AP classes. Alot of EC’s. Very good essays. Narrow miss for academic admit.
Similar to young lady on previous page (several back) that received Blinn team was somewhat disappointed given. Her words were almost exact as that young lady. “I worked my butt of for this and I had higher expectations.”

Good Luck to those waiting. There have been ACT’s of 29 and 30 to Blinn as well as scores and class rank much lower get full admit to A&M and vice versa. Probably some to PSA as well to both groups. No way to know. Total crap shoot. Advice to class of 2022 -> avoid review, get top 10% or get that extra point for academic admit. Save your family’s sanity.

At least we have a choice now. How bad do you want to be an Ag vs scholarship admissions to UGA, Bama, or Auburn. I’m sure you can do anything from Blinn team but we just need to research how it will or won’t impact application for vet school. Prayers to those still waiting.

Daughter applied aug 3rd (act 29, sat 1360
640 on English so didn’t get academic admit). Howdy still has 3 tabs but it now says TEAM and BAC-TEAM. She really has no desire to do blinn. She’s already been accepted into the honors program at CSU w/scholarships. Agree with @bbaggie 
 it doesn’t look like rolling admissions, scores that are lower, applied later have already been accepted.

shoot. my daughters change major tab is gone in howdy now too, but not ais. I read that meant PSA only. Did anyone have this happen and still be offered Blinn or EVEN better full admit? Will try to stay hopeful for her!

Manage Application in Howdy now says TEAM, BAC-TEAM. No extra tabs and no change to AIS. Nothing official so we will wait and see as this could be another system glitch.

Rolling admissions at A&M means that when they have a decision they release it then instead of eating for a specific date. Date of application has no bearing on the proceed with the exemption of engineering and business. The university builds declines into there formula so they do not normally go back and change offers(one example for Blinn occurred around two years ago).

@GenXdad97 you said ANOTHER system glitch? was their another similar system glitch in the past?

@warrior101x back in December a few of us on this post had the extra Howdy tabs appear and then two days later disappears. I think one person even applied for housing. Tried calling admissions and nobody could offer an explanation, so I wrote it off as a glitch. since that happened to us I am placing any trust until we see an official acceptance or otherwise.

Admissions told us in person Friday afternoon that it would be most likely (and preferably) be by the end of Feb but she had heard talk it may be the first couple of weeks into March. They have received 2,000 more applicants than usual and do not have the space on campus (not just housing, but classrooms, profs, etc) for that 2,000.

@aggiemomhopeful where did you read it meant PSA?

@Mandolin1 I just read that in a few other posts a few weeks back. Not sure if it means that at all, and I hope it doesn’t!! Maybe it means they are working on the account, or maybe not
I will hold out hope until anything is official!

it’s a holistic admission process. so just because you have a better test score and GPA doesn’t mean you’d get in over someone with lower numbers. They take many other factors into consideration. I’ve seen so many people, in fact EVERYONE, post “I wrote solid essays.” Who in the world says “my essay sucked”? I’m sure everyone wrote great essays. So it becomes rather subjective per essay readers. I wondered who the readers are and how many people read them, but apparently that’s also case by case. Ive talked to many admissions officers from Ivy league schools and every single one of them WANTED to admit students. they weren’t looking to deny. they were really looking to accept. I’m sure A&M is the same way. so all you have to do is stand out amongst all candidates. Whether that’s being the top athlete, musician, farmer, whatever it is, you need to show that you’re different.

Having said all that, I know all of you are more than well qualified! and it’s a very difficult process for everyone, including the admissions office! Praying all ya’ll will get the answer you’re waiting for soon, but whatever the result, I know that God has a great plan for each and every one of you :slight_smile:

@gogogogobruins actually, my son’s essays kinda sucked. i’m hoping that’s how he stands out.

LOL! @tamu2021 Love it! I hope your son gets full admission!!!

Hey guys
 I spent the last hour catching up and reading almost everyone’s post. I know, im super late to the party.

I just cannot stand this wait any longer. I applied back in 1/1/17 as a transfer to May’s business school. and i feel like i have lost all hope because of how competitive it is. I have applied to UT Dallas, UNT, and UT Tyler and have been accepted to their business schools, but TAMU is where i want to be in the end.

My GPA is 3.5, and i have every class needed to enter May’s as a junior. I have read that they do give some preference to those ready to enter as a junior. Do i even stand a chance at getting into May’s?

transfers are way different than freshman admits. It sounds like you have a great chance!! Good luck!!

You do realize there are kids on here who applied August 1.

@cable0790 Undergraduates were not allowed to apply until January 1st.