TAMU Class of 2021 - Admissions Decisions

It only gives me the option to withdrawal on Howdy and AIS. My major choice is still the same. Just won’t let me change my major. @aggies1

any sport management people out there?

@AggieMomx4 I’m aware of that. My daughter was already accepted to Galveston. We just haven’t accepted because we were hoping for college station. It’s two separate applications.

I applied back in Oct.and was accepted about a week later. Surprised b/c I wasn’t auto was about 10-11%. Just waiting for Ut decisions to come out now . Good luck everyone

AIS now shows Blinn TEAM as major, but Application “Complete and under review”. Six tabs in Howdy.

Our daughter changed overnight to Blinn! Her stats
ACT. 28
GPA. 4.5 weighted 3.8 unweighted
Top 13 percent of her class
Lots of clubs and extras
Just glad that she got her answer. She had been accepted to a lot of good schools and was pretty happy with maybe going to Arkansas but this is great news for her. I feel for everyone going thru this roller coaster

Hello @tamu2021hopeful. My son’s AIS and Howdy page did the same thing. There is only the option to withdraw now.
Have you seen any other changes yet?

So I found this site yesterday… had no idea there were so many people in the same boat as me…
If I didn’t come across this site then I would have no idea what to look for.

Looks like our major changed from Physics to General Studies with Blinn TEAM. We have 6 tabs as of this morning.
YAY!!! even though it’s Blinn Team, he is still an Aggie - RIGHT?

SAT 1100
GPA 3.4 unweighted
Top 17% of class 46/268
Band, Honors, community service, 4H

@GenXdad97 Even my daughters AIS had changed to blinn teab but it still said Application complete and in review. It changed to ‘You are admitted’ only after a day…so Congratulations !!

Congrats @teamaggie ! It’s very exciting to get a response! This morning the “Change major” tab changed on both my son’s AIS and Howdy. This is the first change in 4 months. Hopefully it means that we will get an answer soon…

@teamaggie Congratulation! Yes, your son is an Aggie and has access to all things Aggie on main campus, except he cannot participate in an NCAA sport.

Same. My AIS major changed to blinn team, and I have 6 tabs in howdy now. Pretty bummed about blinn team. I know I deserve to get full admission and I can’t help but feel like blinn team isn’t anywhere near the same as being a full time Aggie…

Thanks @goaggie congrats! Congrats to everyone else and to everyone still waiting hang in there…I know it’s easy for me to say that but whatever happens you will have options and your son or daughters worth isn’t based on whether or not they get an acceptance (full, Blinn etc)

D has 6 tabs now, major on AIS changed to General with BLINN, however it still shows complete and in review.

Hi @warrior101x, sorry you are bummed, but at least you have an answer. Now you can move forward with your plans and decision making…

I am going to let my daughter check the sites in her own rather than tell her :slight_smile:
Here are her stats:
GPA: 3.78 u/w
Rank: top 15%
ACT: 27
Other: NHS, AP and DC classes, XCountry 4 years, VP of Biotech Club 2 years, teen (peer)leader for Life Teen and Confirmation at church, going to mission in Haiti this summer. Some part time jobs held and shadowed a PA one summer.

My question for people who have had their major changed to blinn but still says in review, at the bottom of AIS does it still have your original second major under your first choice blinn major? I do, and I’m wondering if that means there’s still hope I get my second choice one…

@footballgo1 thank you! I know blinn team isn’t the end of the world but I feel like it’s such a confidence buster to go through that and not be the same as other aggies, but I’ll look more into it.

UT is by far my first choice anyways and I applied for a much easier major there, so there’s hope there as well.

@warrior101x. Within one day of the major changing to Blinn Team with the second major still showing my son received his Blinn Team acceptance letter.

Hi @footballgo1. No, nothing has changed for me since the “change major” button has disappeared. Hoping for an answer soon. Let us know if you do have any changes? Thank you!

@tamu2021hopeful … I will post any change as soon as I see it, and you do the same. It looks like we’re in the same boat. Good luck!