TAMU Class of 2021 - Admissions Decisions

Yesterday around 4:00 pm, my D’s Howdy portal showed her major as TEAM and program as BAC-TEAM.
This morning, her AIS had changed to show her major as General Studies for Blinn TEAM, but was still under review.
Today at around 3:30 pm, her AIS changed to show "you’ve been admitted to Blinn TEAM and her offer letter was loaded into her communications tab. Below are her stats.

Applied: 8/4/16
Got UIN: a few days later
Received admission decision: 2/14/17
Review Admit
Applied as English major but got Blinn TEAM
Rank: top 13%
SAT: 1310
ACT: 29

Good luck to everyone still waiting to hear something!

@Thelma2 Thanks for the info on the Blinn TEAM pathways.

My Darling Daughter just heard tonight that she was offered Blinn TEAM. She is a bit sad, she really wanted full admissions, and today is her 18th Birthday and I had hoped for only good news on her Birthday. I wish that TAMU had waited until tomorrow to offer her Blinn TEAM so that her Birthday didn’t end on a sad note. I think that she will accept Blinn TEAM, but she feels embarrassed that she wasn’t offered full admissions.I told her that I am really proud of her, that TAMU has to accept all of the 10% students, but that they WANTED her, they just don’t have room for all of the students that they want so they offer them other ways to get to be an Aggie.

Her older sister, Aggie Class of '16, was full admission after review. But her sister was top 27% with a couple more AP classes, slightly higher SAT and gpa, a leadership position on a varsity team and more volunteer hours, mainly in the Summers. But DD#2 wasn’t able to go on volunteer mission trips in the Summers due to our vacation and other family plans and surgery during one Summer. And this school has gotten more competitive each year, since her older sister’s year, with some students taking classes at tutoring places during the Summer (and paying a bunch of money) so that they don’t have to study for those classes during the school year. Bizarre, but true.

Darling Daughter #2 stats:
Sent in application right after Thanksgiving, a few days before Dec. 1, 2016.
Wants to be an English Major, not sure what she will do with it, possibly go on to get a Graduate Degree or PhD and teach at the High School or college level.
SAT: 1250, with 670 in CR (and would have qualified for TAMU English Honors Department if she had been in top 25%)
ACT: 26, with 31 in Reading
She did not take any SAT/ACT review classes as she didn’t have time with all of her EC time commitments, so those are her true scores. She took each test twice but with very little difference in the scores.
She is 53rd percentile in very competitive neighborhood zoned school, which is in the top 5 highest average SAT scores for public schools in TX. At this school, you can have above a 3.5 UW gpa and not be in the top 50%. And I know of several students with nearly perfect SAT scores who are not in the top 10%. Another “Bizarre but true” fact.

I feel like she sacrificed her class rank to be on a varsity team as she could have doubled up on Math or taken 2 more years of AP classes instead of only receiving elective credit for the varsity team years.
Very little volunteering as she has almost no free time because of varsity team and other EC time commitment, no leadership positions as well as very busy Summers. Wasn’t able to take Algebra I as an 8th grader so she is only in Pre-Cal right now and that affected her Math scores. If her Math scores were the same as her English/ CR scores, she probably would have been offered full admission.

I had thought that she would possibly be offered either Gateway or Blinn Team. A lot of the graduates of her High School are offered Blinn Team or Galveston or PSA. There are very, very few denials for TAMU in this HS. The top 10% of this school tends to go to Ivy League schools, not TAMU or UT.

I’ll bet that many of the top 10% from less competitive TX schools who applied to both TAMU and UT actually choose to go to UT. I wish those open spots could be offered to people who really want to go to TAMU.

But if she accepts Blinn TEAM she will be in the CStat area and will be able to go through Sorority recruitment, so that is a plus. The irony is that she had barely sent in her application and several schools including Texas Tech, UTD, UH all sent full acceptances. UH even offered her merit money. But she doesn’t really want to go to those schools. She just knew that because of her class rank, she might not be accepted at TAMU and she needed safety schools.

I had hoped that if she was offered Gateway that perhaps she could apply for English Honors for the Fall 2017 Semester instead of having to wait a full year.

I don’t see a Blinn Team Pathway for English majors. Thelma2, do you know what she should do as an English major? Should she bother taking any Summer college courses at the local community colleges in the hopes of only having to spend a year at Blinn? If she is at Blinn for 2 years, I think that will keep her out of English Honors.

What are some positive things that I can say to her to change her perspective and learn to be happy with being offered Blinn Team? I know that there are a lot of students who would be ecstatic to be offered Blinn Team.

Thanks to everyone who has posted on this blog. I have lurked here for a few weeks and have learned a lot.

Applied: 9/11/16
Got UIN: 9/14/16
Received admission decision: 2/14/17
Applied for BIMS major but got Blinn TEAM instead
Rank: top 23%
SAT: 1860 (Took a 3 pretty good SAT subject tests as well)

I know it sounds crazy but does being admitted to the Blinn Team means there is no chance for me to be admitted to TAMU this year? I was really hoping for Full admission to help my parents :frowning: . What kind of courses should I take for BIMS, if there is only General Studies in Blinn?

Good luck to everyone else

And I guess it’s too late if I want to change my major to my second choice major?

Can someone please repost the graphic of the TAMU Class of 2020 acceptances? It was very interesting but I cannot find it now.

@kseyeo Congratulations on Blinn Team. It’s a huge accomplishment. And as far as helping your parents, Blinn Team will help them a ton because tuition will cost less. – Congrats to all the other new aggies as well!

Has anyone else not heard back?

We still have not had any activity on our accounts. Super stressful as several friends got gateway and Blinn yesterday

@AggieMomAgain it’s post #826 I believe

@AggieMomAgain it is post #826. Here is the breakdown in text format
Freshmen by the Numbers
Class of 2020
Applications: 40,673
Admitted: 22,385
Enrolled: 9705
Admitted from top 10%: 50%
Valedictorians: 369
Salutatorians: 269
Twins: 57 Triplets: 2
Different States: 45
Different Countries: 27
Represented High Schools: 1746
1:4 first generation college student
Middle 50% SAT Scores (CR+M): 1090-1320
Middle 50% ACT Scores: 24-30
Regent Scholars: 720
Texas Counties Represented: 198
Male: 51% Female: 49%
Youngest: 16 Oldest: 28
Financial Assistance: Over 736 Million

So I guess that includes all Full admins, Gateway and Blinn Team freshman?

@AggieMomAgain I too have a full admit at A&M already (sophomore) and my youngest son just found out yesterday he was offered Team Blinn. It’s my understanding Team has the same benefits as full admits. They will do the NSC, Fish Camp, can live in the dorms, meal plan, and will take classes on both A&M and Blinn campus. Sounds like a win - win scenario and less expensive for us parents the first 2 years. Congrats and Happy Birthday to your daughter!

You are correct, Blinn and Gateway are included.

To me the statistic that was most telling was that only 13% of the people who were not either auto-admits (top 10%) or Academic admits (top quartile with strong/very strong standardized test scores received FULL admit offers last year.

Those are long odds.

And complicating that, many schools Naviance scatter plots will show kids what appears to be a strong likelihood of “full acceptance” (look, kids with similar stats to me from my school have always gotten in…).
But that is because TAMU considers Galveston and Team as full admission offers (even if the kids themselves may not - at least initially).

When I saw the 13 % number I quietly learned as much about TEAM as I could. So when my son was offered it yesterday and he and his mom were initially disappointed I immediately could point out the positives such as AP/dual credits taken while in HS all count as do local community college classes taken the summer before starting college. So with some effort and a bit of luck on AP courses and or Summer school, he can easily knock out half (or more) of the 45 Blinn hours.

Nobody asks where you went to college your Freshman year. They want to know the University from which you graduated.

What are the breakdown statistics for Class of 2020 for Acceptance of Top 10%, Review to Full Admission, Review to Gateway, Review to Blinn TEAM, PSA or Denied? And is there any statistic which shows the eventual TAMU Graduation rates for students in each admission level from prior classes? I have seen lists which breakdown graduation rates in several ways such as male vs female, all ethnic groups, etc but not able to find the actual statistics for graduation rates based on the acceptance level at TAMU.

Yes, stats usually are quoted with full, BT and G. It was only for the class of 2018 the stats had been clear. Here are some comparisons:

Total apps : 35667 for 2018 / 40,673 for 2020
Full Admissions: 17076 (48% of total apps) NOT yet stated for 2020
Guaranteed Admissions (top 10% + Acad) 14276 (84% of full admissions)
top 10% = 10,830 / 11,192 for 2020 = 50% of admits, rough figure
Acad = 3446 / NOT yet stated
Review Applicants Full Admissions: 2800 (16% of full admissions) / not yet stated

Numbers used for admission profiles (on college search boards) include Blinn Team & Gateway for total admits:
21676 (61% of all apps) / 22385 for 2020 (55% of all apps)

Number of review applicants: 21391 (13% of review apps gain full admission)/ NOT yet stated

They don’t release some of the information for applications, but do release it for students who attend (that can be found at dars.tamu.edu the site with all of the figures that the school tallies). As you can see the popularity of the school is soaring with 4,000 more applicants comparing these two and as stated by someone they got 2,000 more applicants than expected this year.

It is very true that it is getting tougher and tougher to gain admissions here.

They have not released that information. 2015 data is available. I believe someone posted it last week. I want to say it was out of 35000 apps 11000 full, 3800 academic, 2800 Review,4000 Blinn And 600 Gateway.

@yugioh5454 we have not heard anything yet either…

We have not heard anything, no moving tabs, no change major buttons, nothing…applied August 1st…

For Blinn team what is the max hours per semester you can take at A&M? I couldn’t find it on the Blinn Team website.