TAMU Class of 2021 - Admissions Decisions

@mollykdolan if you do not take classes in a gap year (or semester or summer) you can re-apply for freshman admissions after you graduate for two years. Retake the SAT/ACT become an auto admit & re-apply. Just another option :slight_smile: Wishing you good luck with your appeal - try someone in Mays to see if they can help you.

@mollykdolan YES! It couldnā€™t hurt to appeal, you wonā€™t know if it will work unless you try. Fingers crossed that you get in that way! Talk to everyone that you can, in Mays, Freshman Admissions, Transfer Admissions, etc. to get all of the info that you can.

If you take a gap year, try getting a job in something close to what you want to do, even if you have to take an ā€œunpaid internā€ type of a job, or do some serious volunteering, TAMU loves volunteering! And really work on SAT prep. If you can get a super high SAT, they will pay attention!! Your SAT was so close to begin with, it should be easy for you to break 1400 or 1500.

Or you could just go to Blinn, do your own ā€œBlinn Teamā€ if possible, take the same classes or as close to the same classes as you would for Blinn Team Business path and then transfer in as a Sophomore or Junior. I found out today that one of my daughterā€™s teammates didnā€™t get into TAMU at all (and I think she is 3rd or 4th generation Aggie) and she had already planned to go to Blinn if she didnā€™t get full admit/Gateway/Blinn Team, she will just take her core courses and transfer in asap.

Someone must have been asleep when they processed your application. Surely, if you can get them to take another look they will see the light! Hang in there. HUGS!

What is the stat on PSA to main campus transfers? Would DARS have that information?

@kd1003 This year is the first year for general engineering at Galveston, so those students have not applied to major yet (I believe it is in April). There is a student who is in engineering at Galveston that posted a thread that they would answer any questions. Hope this is helpful http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/texas-m-university/1937681-engineering-at-galveston-program-ask-questions-here.html#latest

@Thelma2 well I think that is differentā€¦ my son will only be there for 2 semesters then he will continue being an engineering student except he will be at college station instead of Galvestonā€¦ some students are in the engineering program at Galveston and stay at Galveston.

@kd1003 There have been several people with kids who were accepted into engineering at Galveston, who will apply to major in spring of their second semester (or end of fall their third semester if they do not complete all required coursework with a 2.0 by that spring). There are several threads floating around with info but have gotten buried with all of the recent admissions decisions ones.
There are so many great things about this program. Anyone at Galveston is an Aggie, buses take them to yell practice and games, and they are automatically guaranteed on CStat campus, in their major, their sophomore year (there will be paperwork, but heā€™s not applying to transfer like a true transfer student would and then wait to see if heā€™s accepted. It is a guaranteed move from Galveston to CStat). This program is the surest way to get to College Station in his degree field.

You only have until March 1 for priority housing. http://tamug.edu/reslife/Housing/Apply.html
If your son elects not to attend A&M, you have until May 1 to decline acceptance and get a refund.

Engineering preview day is March 2 and you must RSVP and set up NSC https://engineering.tamu.edu/academics/engineering-at-galveston/next-steps

My daughter got Blinn Team. Has test anxiety but never been formally tested. ACT 19 (took 3 times) SAT 1070 (took twice). 13th percentile of her class 97.2 gpa. Very involved in school. Dance team captain, volleyball, tons of community service, NHS, etc.

My older daughter is in a sorority which is considered one of the ā€œtop 5ā€. They have several Blinn Team girls. Itā€™s more about who you know and who pulls for you. Not if youā€™re Blinn Team. Unless you donā€™t know anyone. Then itā€™s resume and who she clicks with. Good Luck!

@mollykdolan I am really hoping you appeal and get in. Your stats are too good not to!
Has anyone not gotten a notice? My D still says in reviewā€¦ but her buttons disappeared. I really thought she would be offered gateway or blinn, not because of her stats but bc of a hardship with the loss of her brother and all the community service she has done.

@mollykdolan Wishing you the best on your appeal. Please keep us all posted.

@crossingfingers1 Crossing fingers for your daughter!!

@mollykdolan best wishes on your appeal!! Definitely keep us posted! were you homeschooled? i wonder how many homeschoolers on this discussion thread. our son was homeschooled most of his life, except for 1 year in 7th grade to see what school is like and 1 semester in 9th grade when I taught at a local Christian Classical school. Because homeschoolers cannot be top 10% admit, the only way for auto admit is to test well, which homeschoolers are not known to doā€¦ we got lucky with our son :slight_smile: the first time he took ACT, he was nervous and got 30. I sat him down and told him that he need not feel like his schooled peers know more than he does. Just relax and heā€™ll do fine. He didnā€™t even study for it at all. The second time he took it he got 33. off topic, but if anyone is looking to take standardized test again, the best thing is to do is RELAX!

Busses used to transport to yell games in Kyle Field but unfortunately they donā€™t offer that service anymore. You can however purchase a ports Pass just like in Cstat. My son is a Jr at TAMUG and loves it!

My son was offered PSA on 2/14 and applied to TAMUG on 2/15. Today he received his acceptance notice from TAMUG!! Iā€™ve never been so happy to see 6 freaking tabs!! @aggiemomhopeful

@blonde1999 Congratulations to you and your son!! Everyone seems to love TAMUG.

@blonde1999 - that is great information to know, that they are still accepting applications so late in the game. For those who are ā€œdie hard Aggiesā€ and do not get in the traditional way, this is a fabulous option. They even have the Corps of Cadet in Galveston, so even that option there. I would love to hear more from you in the future as to your sonā€™s experience. I hope you stick around CC so that those of us starting off in this journey with our kids can benefit from your experience. There are a lot of wonderful contributors whose kids are at CS, but not as many whose kids are at Galveston. I am curious to find out how easy it is to transfer from TAMUG to CC for things like Business? Also, I heard that freshman year in the Corps is much easier to endure in TAMUG than CS, so there is that as well.

Congrats @blonde1999 AWESOME news. This is a great avenue and option to have. Please do stick around CC, as @addicted2MT says. Having someone that has been there, done that is SO helpful for the incoming applicants. I am hoping some engineering at Galveston folks will stay around as well.

@Thelma2 and others that are considering the Engineering at Galveston programā€¦my son accepted his offer and signed up for NSC and housing. We will be going down to the Engineering at Galveston day on March 2nd. We are looking forward to learning more detail about the program and all it entails. So happy to hear that the students bus to Yell Practice and games!

@blonde1999 What major does your S want to be in? Curious about possible Galveston for my S.

My son applied at TAMUG for Marine Science. He applied at TAMUCS for Economics. During his wait for a decision from TAMUCS he started to have doubts about the major he applied for. He now is showing interest in a science major. His first year at TAMUG he will take core classes and then be able to have a ā€˜change of curriculumā€™ and relocate to TAMUCS. This is all very new and I am probably not the best person to ask the specifics of how it all works. There is very limited info out there on TAMUG. He would not be doing engineering, and that seems to have more information available. There is a preview day this Friday if yā€™all can make it.
@tgtjleal your sonā€™s stats are great! Iā€™d think heā€™d have no problem getting in. Iā€™m not sure my son will accept the offer yet but it really has lightened the mood over here, knowing he is A&M worthy!

@blonde1999 I would recommend you to search on FB for ā€œAggie Moms/Dads of current Texas A&M studentsā€ group. We have about 4300 members and you will be surprised how much information you will find out.