TAMU Class of 2021 - Admissions Decisions

@Larysa are you part of that FB group? I sent in a request but a few days ago but am still waiting to be approved.

Has your son accepted his admissions yet @amottmers? To be approved for membership, It is my understanding that your student must be a current student or newly admitted that has accepted his/her decision. If he has already, it might just take a few days. The moderator is very thorough that extended family, kids and those seeking to spam the group donā€™t get in.

Enquired with the college of engineering about scholarships. Their replyā€¦

The College of Engineering has not offered scholarships to incoming freshmen just yet, but weā€™re hoping to review and make decisions within the next few weeks.

Thank you for inquiring.

@amottmers I just heard back from the moderator asking when if I have a child who is a student or has been accepted, and if so when and what year heā€™ll be and where we live. check your FB inbox if you havenā€™t heard from her yet. because weā€™re not friends it went into ā€œothersā€ mailbox.

@k_03 Thank you for keeping us posted. Did they tell you that today? They told me end of February, so I keep thinking ā€œjust a few more days.ā€ I watch and wait for any new info on an embarrassingly regular basis. My anxiety about it is similar to those over the last few weeks who were just hoping to be admitted. Hitting refresh, watching every forum, checking the Financial Portal, etc. Although he was admitted, without the finances, it will be as if he didnā€™t get in at all, so weā€™re hanging in there! Iā€™m enjoying keeping up with everyone out there though! Hope to be joining yā€™all in the ā€œplanning for fallā€ discussions soon!

@rvhappynow Yeah, they just told me today. I too was expecting it to be end of Feb.

@Thelma2 @gogogogobruins I was just added to the group this morning. Thank you!!!

@Larysa do you know of any other Facebook groups for parents of Aggie students? I did join the one you had mention on here but am looking for another one. Iā€™m sure it is a great group but because my post was saying hi to the group and just excited that my son will be a student in the fall and happy to be part of this group on facebook they decided not to post my comment because it wasnā€™t regarding anything specific or helpful. If any one else knows of another supportive Aggie parent group please let me know, iā€™m looking for a group that is supportive in all ways.

Yes, the FB Parent page isnā€™t chatty and is topic specific, tho some topics can get chatty.
Itā€™s geared more for info sharing or asking.

Try searching for your local/county Aggie Moms club FB. A lot of them have pages and are more open and involved.

You can always start an unofficial page on FB. And just let us knOw!

@amottmers That is totally something I would have done as well. Iā€™m friendly and ready to say hi to the world!

@amottmers look for a Facebook group in the area you live in that is specifically for Aggie parents. If youā€™re out of state or in a small town, it probably wonā€™t be an option. My community has an Aggie parents club that meets once a month and they have a chatty Facebook page where people make all sorts of requests, such as ā€œIs anyone driving to CS this weekend? I need something delivered to my daughter.ā€ It seems like itā€™ll be more helpful to me than the more generic one.

Thank you for all the suggestions. I will have to look for a group that is in my area or maybe start my own!!!

One different thing about A&M, the Aggie Moms Clubs have BOTH current student parents & former student parents in them. I thought that was odd, then realized how much those former parents know & can help with answers from admissions to graduation and beyond. Iā€™m a member of one, you donā€™t even have to live in the area - they take affiliate members too. Canā€™t tell you how much information you can gleen over the years - including job connections when the time comes. There is so much more to learn than most colleges about traditions & opportunities, it really helps having some guidance. Aggie Moms clubs have been in existence for over 90 years.

@amottmers sorry for not replying right away, as I did not check this forum for the last few days. Yes, to be accepted in the group, which you already did, you have to reply to the private message of the admin, who is trying to make sure that you are the parent of the current or just accepted student. Sorry if she did not post your ā€œHiā€ post and made you feel very welcome. Believe me, this group is amazing and is very supportive, and you would get thousands of WELCOME comments if that would be posted. But I believe that the admin is only trying to limit to the post that are having specif questions or information that can be helpful for everyone. I just joined this group my self about a week ago, when we made our final decision and decided to become an Aggie family, and after posting just one question in that group, asking peopleā€™s opinion about the Fish Camp, I got over 250 replies in 2 days. Really amazing support. So please do not give up. Trust me you will find the answers and support you are looking for there. Make sure to use the search bar, as so many specific questions was posted already and you will find the info you need right away. I am not sure where you are located, but I also joined local group just for moms from our county, and that is the question that you may want to post if you canā€™t find that type of group on your own. It is nice to be a member of local Aggieā€™ s mom group, as people do offer to help or deliver things to your child when they are going to visit their kids. Feel free to message me directly, or you can find me in that group under Larysa :wink:

Does anyone know what a freshman hybrid conference is?The June 29-30 conference is one.

@goaggie Youā€™re talking about NSC, right? June 29-30 conference is for both freshmen AND transfer students. most other conferences are specifically for transfers only or freshmen only.

@gogogogobruins Thanks. I was talking about the NSC. Any idea if it is different from the normal ones?

My son attended the hybrid NSC last year, that was around the same time (June 30-July 1) It is no different. Freshmen will have their orientation and transfers will have theirs. They are just accommodating 2 different types of incoming students at the same time. Donā€™t worry about it being a ā€œHybridā€. Hybrid doesnā€™t mean it is in anyway different than the freshman only dates. It just means that there is freshman and transfer stuff going on (separately) for each of their needs. Just pick the date that works best for you.

Thank you. @Thelma2. You have been really helpful.