TAMU Class of 2022 - Admissions Decisions

I admit, I was thoroughly convinced DD2018 would not make the cut as a holistic review admit, her AIS has updated to accepted!

mine just changed to accepted as well.

OMG! My AIS just switch to Accepted as well. Congrats to all who have been admitted and to those who will eventually be admitted!

My daughter got accepted as well to Engineering! We are very excited to be part of the Aggie family. Congrats to everyone who got in as well! Good things take time to happen! Keep your fingers crossed!

My son just got admitted! He is beyond excited.

@MBeezie what are his stats? So excited for all these future Aggies!

@YourCollegeMom What are your sons stats? (or daughter)


ACT 28
Rank 14
Local high school (they like local kids for some reason)
Boys state/leadership programs/varsity sports captain/volunteer stuff (the usual)
Solid essays (all 3)
business foundation and multidisciplinary foundation
Lor from Vice chancellor
Applied July 1st
Several Aggie events over the years showing interest.
Mays is his dream but ag bus might be the reality!

I think that’s it.

Those are good stats! You should not be worried @YourCollegeMom

@YourCollegeMom, there is no reason you should be worried. Your son’s stats are very comparable to many on this site that have been accepted. It will come!

I’m in!!! I’M GOING TO BE AN AGGIE!!! Best day ever.

@ANS2022 whoop!!! Congrats!!!

@YourCollegeMom Thank you so much for all your support on these threads!

@ans2022 awe that was sweet of you to say! These threads are great and what makes Aggieland so special.

My Daughter was accepted yesterday- Mays Business School.
Rank- non ranking school but A and M assigned her top quarter
500 plus service hours and many service awards
Executive board for Student Program at Non Profit organization

NHS officer
Excellent Essays
Excellent Letters of Recommendation
Part time Job
letterman soccer, cheerleader and Sports Medicine
GPA- 3.89 unweighted
ACT- 29 ( received 30 for October but it has not gotten there yet-)

@ilovefood01 Could you please post your stats, either here or the engineering acceptance thread?

My DS just had his tabs updated, checked AIS, full acceptance to Mays!!! Whoop!! So thrilled and didn’t expect any news until after December. Stats- Non-ranking school but A&M assigned top quarter, 3.8UW GPA, IB classes, 29 ACT, 450 service hours, varsity sports (rugby/football), honors chambers (choir) performing internationally, part time job, summers at ivy league schools studying political science, int’ relations, law, very compelling essays/letters of rec. So very thankful!!!

Got notified of my acceptance yesterday. Here are my stats if anyone is wondering or wants compare
I applied to College of Science for Biology
4.1 GPA 19% of my class.
1350 SAT 680 reading 670 math
Did not submit any letters of recommendation
Did all three essays
over 800+ hours in hospital as volunteer
80+ hours of CS
53 College Credits

You have 80 college credit hours? Holy nuggets

Or community service? lol I may have misunderstood