TAMU Class of 2022 - Admissions Decisions

@Margaux27 application deadline was jan 1st. If you didn’t submit by then, it’s too late.

I recieved my uin email in my junk folder not my regular inbox so check there.

I don’t why I even have the nerve to ask what are my chances but I’ll ask anyway…

Application Submitted: 12/01/17 (from ApplyTexas)
Received UIN 12/05/17
-Review Admit
-990 SAT Score (new)

  • 159/684 rank
    -Not sure what my gpa is.
    -Major: Forensic and Investigative Science (BS)
    -NHS Member, 4 years of AFJROTC
    -Over 50 hours community service
    -Co chair for teacher appreciation committee (NHS)
  • Deputy Logistics Officer in AFJROTC
  • Taken 6 AP Classes, 7 honors classes
  • Taken two sciences last year, and two sciences this year.
  • Still waiting for decision
  • Wrote all three essays, 1 letter or recommendation
  • In State
  • Job, took two languages, stuco, forensics club, saber team, colorguard.

@Mandog82 Your wrote “@Thelma2 so from your files you came across a 670 with it being the lowest math sub score, yet you don’t really know the lowest sub score fully admitted to Cstat correct? just making sure.”

For class 2020 and 2021, I kept a spreadsheet of all of the applicants to engineering. My son is a current sophomore in engineering. Last year, I added in the review applicants over the summer, so I’d have them for this cycle of applicants.

The spreadsheet does not represent all applicants to A&M, only the applicants that post on College Confidential.

Every applicant who posts their stats does not always post their decision, so we lose a lot of info in that way. However, across the two years that I have made a spread sheet of engineering applicants, (and am making the spreadsheet for this year), one can see a trend or pattern of acceptances. That said, no one here on CC sees anyone’s complete application file and we go by what applicants post. A lot, if not most of us, are parents of current Aggies helping the applicants/parents in the new cycle. We just go by what has been the trend, our own experience, and the experience of others.

Engineering went to the holistic review for class 2021 because the retention rate in the program was about 55%, when applicants were admitted through rolling admissions.The hope was to chose applicants who could have a better chance in the program. In the past, many top 10% and academic admits just did not have the math readiness. Math 151 and 152 weed out a lot of students who are not really mathematically inclined. Physics 218 was another booger for some. Study habits also play a big part for those who are mathematically inclined but didn’t have to put forth a lot to earn high grades in high school, could procrastinate, etc. They got a HUGE eye opener. You cannot do that in engineering at A&M. The work load for every class can overwhelm some kids. On the private FB page for Aggie Parents, the struggle is real for many current freshmen who underwent holistic review and just completed their first semester ( or third semester for sophomores who just took 152).

Sorry I did not reply sooner. I just now came across it. Taking care of aging parents has required me to be away for some time, only popping in now and then.

@Bri I wouldn’t give up. My sister has the same SATs as you and I only have a 1060. Both colorguard captains and both Sabers. (But we both just quit, we actually hated colorguard) Both of us have tons of service hours, involved in StuCo, etc. We are both in review but not giving up hope because we both want to be Aggies. I’ve been accepted into all five of my other schools but TAMU is my dream. Don’t pull your app or doubt yourself, just wait.

@Thelma2 a 55% retention rate for engineering is troubling and I can see why TAMU wouls like to adress it. Do you have any information that a large portion of the 45% that drop do so because they are struggling in the program?

Many kids change majors simply because they learn, over the course of a year, that they just don’t want to be an engineer. Honestly, with the rate that kids are choosing engineering these days, I think some do not truly understand what engineers do and are choosing it because of parental pressure, perceived employment opportunity and salary projection and just plain old don’t know what else they want to do. They may be excellant at math or biology or chemistry but not so great with physics and fearful of " What can I do with Biology/Chem/ Mathmatics degree". Alot of kids just find something they like better.

Anecdotally, those scenarios are things that have happened with many of DD2016’s friends who started with Engineering and have since switched. Undoubtedly, a goodly portion of kids decide to drop because they may not feel they are not up to the task. My own sophomore DD just dropped her major in a direct entry physical therapy program, not because she was struggling, but because she was just now able to admit in her heart she really wanted to be a teacher. Her best friend, an honors engineering major at A&M, just changed his major to statistics because he realized he could really get a job with that major too and he was hesitant to pick it initially.

@labegg I do not have the actual data for why the 45% drop and I have understood it to be the freshman class. I now wonder how long this lack of retention has been going on. My son’s class, 2020, was the last one where applicants were placed in the engineering major as they were accepted into the university. What I have been told is that this loss in retaining students is the reason for installing the holistic review process, to fill the available seats with applicants who showed the readiness for the math and physics. That those first year classes seemed to be the hardest for students to complete successfully in order to fullful the ETAM (apply to a major) requirements.

I know in my son’s own experience his freshman year, his math and physics classes, and engr 111/112 classes, lost a significant amount of students during the semesters. I also see the anxious posts and replies from parents on the Aggie parent FB.

I have no doubt that students get into engineering and discover that the major is not for them.

I wonder if STEM programs now in high school and PLTW classes beginning in Jr. HIgh. Schools with the PLTW (Project Lead The Way) engineering classes https://www.pltw.org/our-programs/pltw-engineering, that more students are choosing engineering as majors, when if it were not for these classes/programs they would not have? Then once in college, many realize this is really not their passion/interest/talent? I know it was our school district PLTW and STEM program that led my son down this path.

A few other parents and I from this forum (not all went to A&M,as well as the Aggie Parent FB) have communicated privately about how well prepared (or un-prepared) our kids were for the major, coming out of our public school STEM program. And honestly, the STEM program classes are a cinch compared to college. It seems that the exposure to the various STEM majors in high school (which is good) does not equal the rigor and difficulty to what they will face in college.

Another issue I have seen is super bright students with the aptitude and ability for maths and physics but lack the discipline, maturity, and study habits for the major. My son lost his freshman roommate from this very thing and it led to anxiety and eventually depression and he had to withdraw. Could this be another reason for the high loss of students freshman year? My own son experienced some struggles with creating his own structure and being self disciplined. Thankfully, he did not experience the debilitating depression aspect but there were times he was definitely overwhelmed.

Having friends in the STEM endorsement at my high school they seem miserable. So I agree with you on that exposure not being 100% college level rigor. From what they tell me about their classes its more of a “well the counselors said I had to take this because of my endorsement…” more than them voluntarily being able to choose a class that actually interests them. On top of that, regulars in my school is nothing but busy work. And with a dash of a poor Science budget, theres little room for any lavish experiments and such. Just very bland overall in my school. I chose the multidisciplinary endorsement so I can choose whatever classes I wanted and I am paving my own path without this “guide”.

I feel so iffy about my chances of getting in, but nonetheless…

When did you apply: July 1, 2017
When did you get your UIN: July 6 is the date at the top of the email…received on the 7th.
When did you receive your admission decision: Still waiting
Auto-admit? Academic Admit? Review Admit: I’d assume Review?
Major/College of Choice: Biomed/Health/Undeclared though not on application
Did you get in: Still waiting
Honors program: No
Class Rank: ~85/308 reported though my class recently had an influx of seniors
SAT: 1230
ACT: 28
GPA: 3.1 cumulative not sure what my weighted is but I’m in IB and we weight them at +1.0…Soo does that mean 4.1? Idk…anyways…

We are still waiting and unsure, here is our daughter’s stats, would appreciate any feedback:
Applied July 1
SAT 1260
Liberal Arts major-English
3.9 GPA, unweighted
middle 50% class rank
very competitive high school
excellent Letters of recommendation
submitted essay C
Holistic Review

@yrnm27 IF you want honest feedback, I would say stats are pretty average with class rank being low for TAMU. However, that’s only 50% of the holistic review factor so her ECs, essays, etc. can stand out and increase her chances. Keep us posted. Hoping there’s another wave this week or next.

Thank you:) Will do

@teslanijaxyu can you tell me when you were accepted into the university and when you received your acceptance to engineering?

The wait for review applicants can be long and is agonizing, to say the least. Know that we are pulling for you!!! Though no one knows one another, we do get to know you though your posts and go through this right along with you. We celebrate your admissions and we commiserate with those who didn’t get what they had hoped for.

Please, please do not give up hope and please stick around and post to the forum. There is a tremendous amount of support here.

Also, please do post your decision and your stats. Though the forum is only but a small sampling, It is so helpful to the next cycle of applicants.

Good luck to all.

For those of you who got into mays business honors what were your stats?

Any ideas when will my son will hear of a decision for admission ? What are his chances ? He is really pumped about A&M engineering program and I am very anxious as well. Thank you …

When did you apply: December 27 (using Apply Texas)
When did you get your UIN: December 29
When did you receive admission decision: Still waiting as of 1/15/18
Auto/Academic/Review Admit?: Review (I guessed)
Major/College of Choice: Mechanical Eng, Computer Eng
Did you get in: Still waiting
Honors Program: No
Class Rank: 257/812 (31%)
GPA: 4.12 (weighted), 3.59 (unweighted)
SAT: 1390 (700 Math, 690 Reading & Writing)
ACT: 30 composite (30 Math, 27 English)
Instate Student

Hi @mikeinsugarland Welcome!
There have been only a handful of applicants receive a decision since admin went back to school from the break. As you are aware, the application deadline was pushed back to Jan 2. No one is quite sure how that will affect the admissions decisions this year. Last year, there were a few sprinkled decisions in early Jan and by Jan 24, decisions were out for Cstat, Engineering at Galveston, and Engineering Academy at Blinn. But then, applications had closed Dec 1. We will just have to see how it all plays out this cycle.

Thanks for the info … what is your opinion of his chances based on his grades and scores ? We are new to this so any not sure how the review process are …

@mikeinsugarland If he were in the top 25% of his class, he would be an academic admit to the university and still undergo holistic review for engineering. Since he holistic review for university admissions, he will get that decision first. Admissions to engineering is separate process and he will then be reviewed for that by the engr department.

From the engineering decisions last year, applicants who reported their stats on CC (keep in mind that these are just a very small sampling of applicants) ranked in the second quarter were offered Engineering at Galveston or Blinn Engineering Academy, except for a small few who had 1400+ or 34 SAT/ACT.

Please stick around on the forum. There is a lot of great information and support. A&M, because so much is competitive (even parking permits), and lots of questions even for folks with kids at other colleges. Feel free to comment or ask anything, anytime.

Thank you very much for the info … Will update whenever we get a decision.