TAMU Class of 2022 - Admissions Decisions

@Thelma2 ^^ I couldn’t afford it and I don’t want to go there, so if I had put the down payment and gotten into tamu or UT, I’d be losing a large, nonrefundable amount of money. It’s required to live on campus as a freshman there though

I just have a bad feeling now because I got capped at UT that I won’t get into a&m and I’ll be stuck without a college bc I can’t find housing at my safety, and am too far to live at home.

@TXagghopeful1 Isn’t being capped at UT a good thing? It’s better than being totally denied. Maybe since you were capped at UT, you might get Blinn at A&M? My son was capped at UT, too. We are still waiting to hear from A&M since he is a review student. Hoping and praying for Blinn Engineering (or full admittance)!

Haven’t been on in a while so just wanted to say Congrats to those who are hearing good news! Pulling for those still waiting.

@Thelma2 for your record keeping… I am not sure if I ever told you about sons acceptance to engineering honors in December. Sorry if it’s a repeat. Noticed last night a lot of disappointed people over on UT’s thread, a lot of rejections went out last night. Might pick up some more activity on tamu threads…

From what I read about CAP you go to another (not local) UT program school and then move over to Austin your Sophmore year if grades are good. If grades good, but on low end you get into liberal arts. If grades are better than good, you start to be able to get into some of the other majors. All things to think about. I like the idea of Blinn becaus you get the CS experience day one. Also like the idea of Galveston as it sounds like you have a whole group of like minded engineering students focused on a single campus that move to CS (if grades good) Sophmore year. That being said, I am only keeping up with engineering thread for a friend.

Same, got CAP’d at UT. A&M is my first choice though, so I’m really hoping the same doesn’t happen there. This wait is driving me mad. I also really wish there was a way to update my class rank, since it improved by 4%. I’m hoping to hear back before March but I’m not completely confident in that anymore (though my CC said I should expect mid-February, so who knows).
The A&M admissions twitter said they’re hoping to have a lot of decisions released by Feb. 10 and most others released by March but it feels like only engineering decisions have been the ones rolled out lately. I know they have higher priority but there’s still plenty of engineering students who’ve yet to hear anything so who knows when they’ll get to other students. Since Mays is my 1st choice and it’s filled up, I’m hoping to get my 2nd choice in Liberal Arts.

FYI. I don’t know what your stats are or how full Ag Business is, but on these threads I have seen comments that some “business” type people have that as their 2nd major as for the first couple years it follows the business degree closely. I’m sure a counselor at A&M would have more details.

@txnjenn What is your overall feel for OU? My daughter’s A&M app is still in review, and I’m personally not holding out much hope because of her class rank at our uber competitive TX high school. OU is her second choice, but their out of state tuition makes it about $10K more per year than TX in state tuition. Texas Tech and Texas State are also choices, but she’s not super excited about either one of those. In your opinion, is OU worth the extra $$$? My daughter thinks it’s a higher level university than Texas Tech or Texas State, but I’m not certain it’s $10,000 per year better…

@TXagghopeful1 : Congratulations on CAP, that is a better offer than denial so try to view it as a possibility. Look into schools that feed into UT Austin through CAP, maybe one will appeal to you. And a safety school should be one that you can afford and that you are OK about attending if you don’t get your heart’s desire. You can always work toward transferring to your heart’s desire later. A LOT of people do that. See if one of the CAP feeder schools is interesting enough to you or near your home so that you can live at home and save money for when you get to the main campus. You applied to both of the major schools in TX, but you are not in the Top 10% or an Academic Admit, so the review process is just going to take as long as it takes. Try not to take it personally and keep your eye on your goal, there may be more than one pathway.

Look at all of your possibilities and plan out various paths to your eventual goals. And that includes planning to pay for college. Even though you want to be an MD, the reimbursement rate for physicians isn’t as high as it has been in the past and you may not end up earning what physicians have earned in the past. If you know that you are going to have a lot of debt, take a good look at what you have to pay for your undergraduate degree. You do not want the stress of debt to weigh you down for your entire career. It can be crushing. Your undergraduate degree is just one stepping stone to your goal, don’t blow all of your money at the beginning. And for medical school, there are communities in various states who are under served medically who will pay for medical school with the contract that the MD will go back to practice medicine in that area. Please don’t jump into any degree program with the thought that you will make enough to pay back your debt. That was true years ago but not anymore.

To everyone still waiting: Take a few deep breaths every time you think about your application, stressing about the wait during review will not make it go any faster and it will affect your health.

Because the “Top X percentage” applicants have to be admitted as per State of TX law, ALL of them who apply to TAMU and UT HAVE to be admitted, so the universities can’t start admitting the review applicants who are “on the bubble” either for gpa, class rank, score, etc. until all of the “Top X%” have been sent their offer. TAMU also has to admit all of the very qualified Academic Admits. There are simply not enough seats in either of the top 2 universities in TX to admit everyone who wants to attend. Also, because the admissions period was extended because of Harvey, this is probably an unprecedented year for a probable record number of applications and delays in the offers of admissions.

TAMU had an application period for 2018 that was 2 months longer than for 2017 because of opening in July and closing in January. It will be very interesting to see the statistics on how many applications were received at each school and how the percentage of offers for full admission turns out.

Maybe the other schools who have already made an offer to you (or your child) don’t have to conform to the Top 10% rule or maybe they don’t receive as many applications or perhaps your application exceeds their requirements so the review process is shorter. Or maybe the OOS schools needs students from TX for their quotas. It is sad that so many very well qualified TX HS grads go to college out of state because they can’t get into the top 2 schools. Once they leave the state of TX, they may not come back and that is a loss for the State of TX.

At least the process doesn’t take as long as it has in the past. There are people I know who are from multi-generational TAMU families who received their offers in MAY. I think this was back in the time when there were wait lists. Both of my daughters received their offers in mid February (2012 and 2017) so there are 2 weeks to go before that time is reached. The wait wasn’t easy, but it is just part of the process. It does make housing choices difficult at your back up schools, but that has always been part of the process.

The review process would go a lot quicker if it was just a computer algorithm which made the YES or NO decision. But there are actual people who read the applications, and those people can see what makes each applicant special. At TAMU, they say that an application can be read by several people before a decision is made.

I don’t know how many people are in the application review departments at TAMU and UT. If there are 100 people in that department, each of them are reviewing many thousands of applications. Hopefully there are more than 100 reviewers! And the reviewers are people who can’t spend 24 hours at their job, they have lives, too. Perhaps the reviewers or their families were also affected by Harvey. Perhaps they were also affected by the flu or perhaps there are other illnesses, injuries or even deaths in their families. No one knows what they are going through. But I am sure that they realize that they hold the future of all applicants in their hands and want to make the best decision that they can for the applicants and for UT and TAMU.

Perhaps everyone on this board could direct good thoughts toward all of the reviewers, and encourage compassionate decisions by a discerning reviewer as they look at the applications. Or if you pray, say a prayer for the reviewers to be discerning and compassionate.

Been lurking awhile but wanted to add another data point, considering we are non-resident status.

Moved to TX in December 2017.

When did you apply: 12/5/2017
When did you receive admission decision:Not yet
Auto? Academic? Review?: review admit
Major: Engineering, CS
Did you get in: ???
Honors: did not apply
Class rank: Online Homeschool (Kolbe Academy, CA) no rank
SAT: 1160
GPA: 3.6 AP Physics
EC: Black Belt, Top 400 esports csgo player in NA, Church Server,
3 Essays
Non resident

Visted campus in December and met with a Prospective Student rep. Was informed about Blinn Bryan that we prefer to save cost on NR status, but keeping fingers crossed.

Even though we own land in Texas and are building a house, admissions said parents and child if dependent need to be living in Texas for 12 months before semester start. So our son’s first semester is as NR. I found it interesting another post who lives in OK and goes to HS there with Father in Texas did not say they would be non resident.

The saviings from being in the Blinn engineering in Bryant looks to be about 5-7k less for a NR candidate, but I read that the availability is pretty restrictive.

Once we hear, I will circle back.Thanks to all for sharing. Really helps a lot.

BTW, son was excepted in CS at UTD as a non resident in early January, after applying same day as TAMU, 12/5/2017. And he has already received his financial offer as well. Their admissions seem very on point. Even in accepting transcripts electronically rather than only by mail as TAMU requires. They are a Texas state school too, but obviously much smaller. Son prefers TAMU so, we wait.

@BigWally that was me and right now he is listed as non-resident…thus the additional decision that has to be made if he is accepted.

We are in same spot as you, own land, building a house and still faced with the possibility that he may have to pay out of state tuition to attend a school in the same state that he is living in when school starts. I was told I could complete the tuition waiver application due to my husband living in Texas, but that it would not be reviewed until he had been there a year, which is August. So IF my son gets in and chooses TAMU he might find out two weeks before classes start that he is still considered non-resident. It’s a lot to think about and very frustrating.

Just didn’t want you to think there was any unfairness on TAMU’s part. I seriously should have just pulled him out of school and moved with my husband in August…

Thank you! Glad to hear we are not the only ones! I did talk to admissions and State school board who seem pretty strict about this. I guess people in the past tried to skirt it by puchasing inexpensive lots in Texas. So the word “domicile” eliminates the landowner from residency in their opinion.

Then there are waivers that each school can give but may need a scholarship to qualify.

At least TAMU has the Blinn option, which would be a great alternative for NRs.

Good luck! As a father of 7 with my son being the youngest, I have dealt with 6 other children all having completed at least a bachelors degree. All went to instate schools and all are doing fine. So I have seen, if there are obstacles, they all can be overcome in other ways!

I got this info from TAMU Counselor Connection

We are pleased to announce that final freshman admission decisions will be sent the week of February 15th. These decisions will include offers of admission to our summer provisional program, the Texas A&M Blinn TEAM program, the Engineering Academy at Blinn-Bryan, new Engineering Program at Galveston as well as offers to our Program for System Admission (PSA). Students should check AIS for the most updated information regarding their decisions.

So, no normal decision to engineering at college station anymore???

@BigWally we are OOS, here’s some clarification:

the ‘Blinn option’ you quote above is not an ‘option’. Blinn Team is an admission offer. It will be offered or not - you can’t opt in yourself. Full admits to CS can’t decide to do BT since it’s cheaper, it is CS full admit or you decline your offer to attend.

OOS waivers are granted for competitive scholarships of at least $4000. It use to be $1000 and that was very difficult to obtain. It sounds like a small scholarship, however the tuition is priced to pay vs. some schools that inflate it & then give almost everyone a scholarship. OOS must compete with instate applicants to be eligible and only qualified TAMU scholarships apply to the amount needed- those can be stacked to add up to 4K. If you filled out the scholarship section on the application, your student will automatically be considered for all scholarships.

Should you get a scholarship for less than $4000, you pay OOS tuition - the amount of scholarship. If your scholarships add up to $4000+ , you pay the OOS tuition - OOS waiver amount -the scholarship amount. You can continue to try for scholarships all four years, applications open every winter for the following fall. Lots of scholarships here are for smaller amounts, $500-$1000.

OOS waivers are also granted to military dependents who served in the state of Texas at any time during the time of duty or their home of residence was listed as Texas when entering the military.

@AGmomx2 Great info! Thank you and to @Thelma2. My son checked every option for potential admission. By option I meant potential pathways. As you said that is up to A&M admissions. He has not even been accepted for anything yet, so we will see.

I was a little confused however about Blinn Team vs Blinn Engineering Academy In CS because I went to the Blinn site and read they have a Blinn Engineering Academy in Bryan that requires living on the Bryan Campus?

We live in Texas now, moved from Massachusetts, have owned land and paid Bell County taxes for 3 years, but would not meet the 12 month domicile requirement in the first semester from what I was told since we moved in December 2017. Maybe not even in the second depending on the rules. Not expecting any scholarships.

So we will wait and see…

Thanks again for all the info!

I meant Blinn Engineering Academy Bryan not CS, and Blinn Engineering Academy Brenham that requires living in Brenham.

@Dhg712 I don’t think it means no full admits left. That said, Engineering at Galveston is still full admit, they just ran out of seats at CStat. It is the exact same curriculum.
I hope that it means that in addition to full admit, the alternate pathways will be released by this date. In the past two years of admissions decisions, full admits were still released, before and at, the last big release, as well as a few scattered decisions up until March.

Oh my. This is one of those times when one wants to go and hide under a rock. My head hangs in shame.

I have made a mistake. I have been gone all day and just went back and re-read the Counselor Connection page to reread the information and in the header of the page when I highlighted it to share the link, it read 2016.

It is old information.

I got excited that thee was a decision date without vetting the info and dates more.

I owe everyone an apology for getting everyone’s nerves on end. I am truly and sincerely very, very, very sorry.