TAMU Class of 2024 - Admission Decisions/Discussion

@thesaraimartinez Nobody knows for sure what your application status is other than the facts that engineering review is a holistic process that takes in consideration of all factors - not just SAT score, but things like rankings, GPA, rigor of courses you took in HS (including the fact you graduated early with an associate’s degree), ECs, essays, etc… that demonstrate your potential to be a successful engineering student.

Easier said then done, but I would advise patience at this point - since constantly checking your status or asking on CC would not make the decision comes any sooner.

"If I haven’t received a decision by now does it mean I am getting denied?

No, we must closely monitor our class size to determine how many students from holistic review may be admitted and when. The goal is for all students applying for the fall semester to have a decision by the end of March."

One more thing @thesaraimartinez: check once a day & spend the rest of your free time enjoying the time you have left of your senior year with your friends & teachers. Enjoy the moment because it will never comes through again …

My daughter was accepted through PTA last May…I believe she was officially accepted May 23 and went to NSC June 6-7. Was not hard to schedule NSC that fell soon after her acceptance date…hope that helps!

New member first time posting, so please forgive me if this has been answered numerous times already, but my daughter is in the same boat as a lot of others on this forum.
She applied very early, and still has not heard back.

Not Top 10%. Not academic admit. So, we are patiently waiting for the Holistic Review process to run its course. First major choice was Mays (I now know it’s filled up) and her second major choice was Agri Life Sciences (Agribusiness).

My questions are as follows:
If not full admit to CS for Her Second Choice: Agribusiness, what are her options if her ultimate goal is to Graduate in CS? Blinn Team, PTA and PSA?

How does RELLIS fit in with this?

Can she take all classes and Graduate from RELLIS Campus with a Bachelor of Business - Marketing from (TAMU- CC)?

Signed…just looking for a foot in the door!

Ag Dad ‘92

hello! my 1st choice major is econ and my 2nd is agriculture econ. i had my full application in middle of november and i haven’t heard anything back. i am an average student but A&M is my dream school. i know a wave of liberal arts majors came out and econ is in liberal arts. does anyone know when i will hear back? should i worry that i haven’t heard yet? thank u!!!

@kdussling my son is first choice economics major as well. We have also been waiting a long time. I’ve been following this board fairly closely since November. I only remember seeing one review economics admitted so far. My son still has his first choice major listed in AIS, so I don’t think they’ve made the Economics decisions as of yet.

@mikeinsugarland Thank you for your response! I am aware that engineering review consists of a holistic review of the applicant. It just seems that the wait will never end, and I am truly concerned that I won’t get College Station. I have worked extremely hard to be where I am. However, the only weak part of my application was my SAT score, which I have already addressed on a separate post. Given my associate’s degree (60 credit hours) my options are limited, meaning I am not eligible for Blinn Team, Engineering Academies at Blinn, or Gateway. I realize that I am not the only one that hasn’t heard back, yet every day that passes my worry increases. I really do hope that we all hear back soon, so that we may proceed with the correct course of action. I might take you up on your suggestion to only check once a day! Best of luck to y’all!

@"“Ag Dad ‘92” Another way to get to Tamu is as a Transfer Student, which is different than PTA or PSA. For example, the transfer sheet that lists the requirements to transfer into Agribusiness is as follows:


Many students chose to live close to Tamu, but take classes at Blinn Bryan, working towards transferriing into Tamu. There are some other threads here regarding transfer students that might be helpful to you.

First time to post, but my daughter was admitted yesterday for Blinn team. She got the six tabs, but her AIS has not updated yet. Her major is English but now is listed as General Studies and lists Blinn team on the AIS screen. I’m wondering how long it will take for her AIS screen to update and not say in review? According to this thread the six tabs is the magic number and she’s admitted??? It’s just a little nerve wracking that her AIS screen has not updated as of this morning.
She is thrilled and in shock she was chosen. She was top 11% and had a 26 ACT, which compared to a lot of stats on here, is not very high. She did have a great resume and involved in a lot of EC’s plus a job. I know the wait is excruciating and I’m wishing everyone the best of luck!

Not sure how helpful this is but a friend of my daughter has the same thing on hers too. I’m not sure her original major but it switched to Blinn yesterday but otherwise not all updated.

@thesaraimartinez I meant to reply to your other post. If I remember correctly, your ranking and other stuff are very good, but the problem is your math score. What is the reason you could not score higher? I don’t mean to come across as a jerk. I just want to give you my honest opinion to help you. That’s why I asked the question.
Engineering or any kind of career is tough. And it’s much tougher if you’re not good at it. I know you want and/or are committed to becoming an engineer. But if you’re having difficulty with sat math, maybe you should re-visit the question why you want to be an engineer. Have you tried to explore other career choices? Maybe there’s something better out there for you. You just have not found/encountered yet. I feel you come here hoping to get some positive feedback/reassurance. If this is the major you want, I agree with mike. Not much you can do now. Just wait and not worry too much about what’s going on. I would stay off these forums if they give you more anxiety. Just watch out for emails. Meanwhile maybe look into other options/career choices. They may be better fit for you. Best of luck to you.

@icedmachiato I see what you’re saying, however, I think some people just have some sort of anxiety when it comes to test taking. I wouldn’t suggest to a person to reevaluate their intended major simply because they didn’t get the greatest score. The SAT scores doesn’t define a person’s ability to perform well on a job or in a class for that matter.

Scholarship portal is down while they award freshman today…good luck everyone…fingers crossed for a better offer than UN-L…I really want to try to keep my kid instate.

so…we’re looking for a “wave” of admits today?!

Not sure about that @2NDGENAGGIE just saw a note on the scholarship portal that they are awarding scholarships for freshman today and it will be back up at 5:00PM

Some have said their major is already full. We’re still waiting on admissions, but in the mean time, how do you check to see if a major is full. She’s wanting Kenesiology to complete her prerequisites for OT grad school…

Kjohnson- I agree with you about test anxiety. Completely … except- there has to be some line draw in numbers. (And I speak in general, nobody personal on my mind). If somebody who’s applying for engineering scores let’s say ± 630-650 in math, and it’s from anxiety I would understand that. But if somebody takes time and study and retake the tests and still scores in or around 600 or lower in math, is the person in right field? These tests are HS curriculum.
Again, I get test anxiety, bad day, not feeling good. Not prep for testing, all that is understandable, but I agree with people who wrote here on this forum about kids who are not comparable with their field of study. You right that SAT scores don’t define a person’s ability, absolutely, but it is some form of precursor, in our educational system, it simply has to be.
Believe me, I know the frustration with lower tests scores. My son’s SAT was around 650-670 in math? (He never submit it)I think, I don’t remember that anymore. He was under medication which totally blew his brain out, he tried ACT, scored better and submitted his ACT scores. But I understand the anxiety/illness/ not good day aspect of testing. But people have to realize their sort of limits, not everyone would be good artist, the same is with engineering, or any other field.

@MomOfTeens77 thank you for your reply. I agree, that if a student is repeatedly taking the exam and scoring lower or about the same each time then there could be some concern. However, there are times when these same students are excelling in Calculus, Physics. Engineering…etc. My brother graduated with his Computer Science degree from TAMU class of 2018. Admitted with a 1320 SAT (640 math) and graduated with Honors. So I just wouldn’t suggest to a student to re-evaluate their Major because of a lower SAT score and make them feel as though they may not be cut out to be an Engineer simply based off a score.

Is there supposed to be a wave today or should we wait until Friday? Is there a timeline from last year on a wave for TAMU?

There seems to be nothing lately that points to what we have seen in the past. I think everday we could see something . Generally after 7:30 am nothing goes out for the rest of the day. However I think checking it once more at 7 pm will cover the day. In between that have a glass of wine or a cup of coffee.