TAMU Class of 2024 - Admission Decisions/Discussion

Has there been anyone who made an engineering choice on Jan 31 that has heard anything since? (ie, is it only non-engineering that are getting offers of PSA and TAMUG and Change of Major buttons disappearing). If no one has heard since then it would seem likely that April 1 is the target date. Was hoping it would be a rolling admission structure, but at least knowing there will be no status change will keep my son from checking Howdy every hour.

No PSA for Mays, correct? What are the options if you are not a full admit? I know the rumor is Mays is full, but just in caseā€¦

It is not a rumor that Mays it full. It is full. If you call a regional admissions office they will tell you it is. Applicants have reported that. And last year, I personally called in December and they were very up front that Mays and Viz were at capacity.

@AggieMomhelp knows more about the process of transferring into Mays.

I believe Iā€™ve seen a few people who were given the 3 engineering options on 1/31, were given Galveston, but I was also under the impression that they may have requested Galveston as their choice. Our DD hasnā€™t heard anything since 1/31 and she elected Academy Engineering at Blinn-Bryan.

@YankeeTexan33 @ClassOf94

If it sounds like Iā€™m beating a dead horse, then it probably is because I think this is a better option for engineering then just sit and wait right now. Below are my reposts. Take a look and act ASAP as they might be running out of spaces at Brenham.

@trinley 's son did this route and you can read more from him and/or he can chime in.

"One good option for Plan B is the Engineering Academy at Blinn-Brenham - (different from Blinn-Bryan). You can apply directly to the program today while waiting for TAMU. You probably get a response back before TAMU. It doesnā€™t hurt to try and have this in your back pocket just in case.

Personally, I like the facts that all engineering students live together in a residential hall - which was completed in 2018 and look very nice - in a living-learning community and go to classes together. After 1 year, he can apply for ETAM. If your kid has a 3.5 GPA, he is guaranteed to his first choice major (just like all engineering students)."

See more details here:

Thank you @mikeinsugarland for the info, but our DD has no interest in spending a year in Brenham. :neutral: She is not one of those die hard students that would give ā€œanything to be at TAMU.ā€ I realize there are a lot of students who would, and thatā€™s fantastic! But thatā€™s not what sheā€™s about. She currently has a plan B lined up if TAMU doesnā€™t work out in her favor. I honestly think that the longer A&M takes to admit (or not) her, the less sheā€™s interested in going there. Thatā€™s why I keep questioning why offers were given out for seats at Blinn, but A&M is giving them so long to respond, thus holding up everyone elseā€™s responses. We had a saying growing upā€¦S%@t, or get off the pot! Haha.

@SECDad335 Did the counselor say when the Blinn TEAM offered will be coming out?

@CDCDCD & @mikeinsugarland
Thank you for your replies. I really appreciate it. This site contains a wealth of information and I am new to this website so its taking time for me to gather information.
@CDCDCD have you personally visited the campus? Has your DS decided to go to TAMUG? As far as my DS is concerned, he will be going to TAMUG. He doesnā€™t know anyone at TAMUG (we are from OOS). It would be great if our sons could interact. In this way my son will at least have someone at TAMUG he knew before.

She did not. The counselors really arenā€™t given any up to the minute or even up to the week information. They just help prospective students determine best course of action for applying and are the face of TAMU. They get info fed to them usually after the fact. So if they say next week or March or April, itā€™s just a hunch on their part. The wizard resides behind the curtain, so to speak, and we never get the opportunity to see himā€¦lol

Does anyone know or have an idea of the amount of people got the option to be waitlisted, blinn-team, or both?

Mays question/concern
DS wants a business degree. He was a holistic/Review applicant and received an acceptance to Blinn Team in January.
My concern:
If he wants a business degree, shouldnā€™t he attend a college where he has a realistic shot at getting into the business school? But, he really wants to be an Aggie (I guess more than he wants a business degree) and TAMU with his friends. My concern is he is making a mistake if he doesnā€™t go to a college that will allow him to graduate with the degree he wants and he will figure this out in a year or two down the road. His plan is to go the Econ route since Mays is full. Anyone have a similar dilemma or a suggestion?

My son is in the same situation, thank you for voicing this concern! In his case, he is leaning the other way. He has been accepted to Gateway, but has a independent scholarship offer based on him being a business major. We are trying to stay neutral so that he can try to make a decision he is happy with. We are also revisiting colleges that he can select for the scholarship.

My son is in the same situation. Accepted to Blinn TEAM and also wants to major in business. He is committed to working hard to get full entry to Mays. If he isnā€™t able to make the grades he will likely major in communications. There are many opportunities in business for non-business majors, and we also know he can later get an MBA. That seems to be more important than an undergraduate degree in business.

Iā€™ve known several students that have gone the TEAM route for Mays and successfully transitioned into business after completing the program. I donā€™t know if anyone has accepted team and transferred before then though. There is a thread on here from last year where a lot of them got into Mays. If I recall correctly, they had close to 4.0s. I know they only take 100 external transfers. That does not include team admits. Iā€™m assuming they still do mays team. Iā€™ll check.

My son got in (heā€™s now a sophomore) but didnā€™t get Mays. He did Econ the first 3 semesters and applied to Mays in January. He was accepted. His gpa was a 3.65 at Tamu and 3.75 overall with dual credit. He will have a minor in Econ.

My adviceā€¦ if your student wants a degree in finance, then major in Econ. Very similar with career outcomes. My son quickly learned he was not a math person. Heā€™s now mgmt pre law. BUTā€¦ non business majors have the option to do a 5 year program through Mays. Itā€™s a MS in finance. You can apply as early as fall sophomore year and youā€™d start the following summer. You can participate in everything finance majors can. Seems like a really good program.

If your student doesnā€™t want finance, then majoring in Ag business is a strong route. You get access to some of the Mays classes.

Not sure any of this helped or answered any questions lol.

My nephew is at TAMU right now. He is an Econ major and got accepted into that 5 year programā€¦Heā€™ll graduate 2021 with his bachelors and MS in Finance from Mays. Itā€™s an amazing program. He also got a job working for the Finance Dept. He absolutely loves it.

Thank you for all your responses. This helps a lot. Ag bus sounds like an interesting route too. Iā€™m glad to know there are options for him regarding Mays. Who does he discuss options with-Advisers from TAMU or does Team Blinn have separate advisors? Moving forward, DS definitely needs to utilize his advisors.

@mamatired honestly Blinn advisors will have no info on Mays. I would only talk to Mays advisor if they will let you. They arenā€™t the friendliest or approachable in Mays. They may say they canā€™t talk to you if not a student in their program.

Oh thereā€™s also University studies in business. Canā€™t apply to that until you are at Tamu but you take 24 credits in business and then choose 2 minors. Itā€™s cool too but a lot of the business classes are only online in this program. Very frustrating if you donā€™t like online classes.

Yā€™all should look at all the transfer requirements and the full degree plan for each. Then figure out the best route with backup routes lol. Itā€™s doable. If you need help, message me.


We are deciding that right now. We are actually super close to Galveston (just about an hour away in Sugar Land). We are going to visit next week. I have been reading up and am impressed by what I read. The dorm is new also. I will definitely touch base should we decide to go ahead with TAMUG. It will help all our kids to get to know each other.

@mikeinsugarland I just started following this site. Is your child already at tamu or will be a freshman fall 2020?

My change major button disappeared on Thursday 2/13/2020 on manage applications and then on ais on Friday 2/14/2020, but then today (Saturday 2/15/2020) my change major button reappeared again on manage applications. Does anybody have any clue what this means? I am still Complete and In Review. Please help and thank you!