TAMU Class of 2024 - Admission Decisions/Discussion

New parents here,

New parents here, post for my son.

When did you apply: Pending
Class Rank: 34% ( very competitive school)
SAT (with Sub Scores). 1560 (English 770 Math 790)
When did you receive your admission decision:
Are you an Auto-admit or Academic Admit or Review Admit: review admit
Major/College of Choice: 1) computer science
What are his chances of getting into A&M, and what are his chances of getting into Engineering?

took 10 AP class including AP physics got 4, AP computer sciences got 5, AP Calculus BC ( this year).

Thank you very much for any input,

@Wise2020 wow. Act is amazing. Rank shouldnā€™t hurt him in this case. Especially with class rigor and AP scores. Just sit tight. But please let us know as soon as you here.

@hellogirl28 are you waiting on holistic review or engineering?

I am so bummed that there wast a big acceptance release today

@ AggieMomhelp Thank you very much. I am quite worried that his ranking is going to hurt his chance. I read previous threads in forum where people mentioned there were few seats (10%) left for review admits. He is review admits and he said he will not be able to meet 10/15 application deadline for early notification . Do you think will apply early be better for him?
Thanks again.

What are my chances to A&M Computer Engineering?

  • Academic Admit
  • Applied in middle of August
  • First-quarter(Iā€™m 40% at our school but I didnā€™t send the rank and A&M reranked me as 1st quarter)
  • SAT: 1430 (1. English: 660, math 770, 2nd one: ENglish 640, math 790)
  • 11 APs and rest are all honors
  • Good ecs (Engineering club president, work experience at com sci related place, orchestra, officer position in Model united nations, chair of volunteer organization etc)
    What concerns me is my math and science grades. I had Cs in freshman year and sophomore year and my sciences were always a B and Iā€™m afraid this will ruin my chances?

This one is for my friend but he is trying to apply priority for engineering(10/15) does this mean that he has to finish everything including the AIS and all that additional things by 10/15 or if he submits his apply texas by oct 15, he is considered priority?

@LuckyDudeAggie So it is ok not sending your school ranking to A&M , but let A&M do the ranking ?

From what I was told if your school does not rank or your a home schooler they will rank you. I was home schooled and was give a rank of 1st Qtr.

So if I donā€™t apply by Tuesday, does that put me at a disadvantage? What documents have to be in for it to be considered priority? SAT, Application and SRAR? Is there more than that? Btw Iā€™m applying for engineering.

@Gargantuan65m Early Action for TAMU Engineer .All materials are due by Oct. 15, 2019. Decisions will be made by mid-December.

@LuckyDudeAggie @KC5402

Regarding rankā€¦
The SRAR needs to match your Transcript. So if your school provides a rank, you must report the rank that shows up on your Transcript. If you are homeschooled or your school doesnā€™t rank, then A&M will rank you.

With the new SRAR, transcripts are no longer required upfront (unless you are top 10%). But the final transcript is required once you are admitted. If there are significant discrepancies between your SRAR vs. Transcript (including rank), there is risk of A&M rescinding their admission offer.

From the SRAR FAQ:
ā€œNOTE: you will be required to enter GPA/Class Rank information for all schools attended. We expect that you will have a GPA and perhaps a class rank for the school you are currently attending but perhaps not from the other schools. Please enter the GPA and rank (if available) on your current school record.ā€œ

Our school is a non ranking district so we have the option to disclose our rank or not. If your school is a ranking district you have no option but to submit your rank.

Ok so just to make sure, just submitting your apply texas by oct 15 doesnā€™t mean thar you are priority correct?

I think sheā€™s review admit not holistic. I could be wrong. I would have to relook at her portal. Where would it state it? Applied for Animal Science. She has already been accepted to 5 other schools for animal science but wanted to see what TAMU offered before making her final decision. Submitted application in July application.

If your school ranks, you have to disclose it.

Oct 15th is priority for engineering only. Application, srar and scores must be in by that date. You could hear before December or you could be deferred. If youā€™re going for engineering why wouldnā€™t you have your stuff done by this date. That makes no sense to me. So if the question is should I apply by then, the answer is yes.

so do what if Iā€™m a review admit? Iā€™m done with everything and Iā€™m reviewing my essays now, but since Iā€™m a review admit wonā€™t it not matter even if i turn it in late?

what if Iā€™m a review admit? Iā€™m done with everything and Iā€™m reviewing my essays now, but since Iā€™m a review admit wonā€™t it not matter even if i turn it in late?

OOS parent here. Thanks for the helpful info so far. A & M process is very different from schools where my older son applied. Daughter submitted her A & M app through Apply Texas yesterday. SRAR is already complete and submitted but she will still have to ā€œlinkā€ the two once she gets her HOWDY (or whatever it is) login, right? How long does that usually take to receive after application is submitted? ACT scores were already sent in September so the only thing missing is the SRAR, just want to make sure it is all there by 10/15. Thanks.

@Brambler Yes, you still have to link the SRAR to the Howdy account. Usually takes about two days for your Howdy login to come in (check your email!!). I applied on July 1st and got mine July 3rd.

When did you apply: Sept 28th
Class Rank: 1st Qtr (TAMU Ranking) (Homeschool)
ACT 28; GPA 3.68 Weighted 4.45
When did you receive your admission decision: Pending
Are you an Auto-admit or Academic Admit or Review Admit: Review Admit
Major/College of Choice: 1) Engineering 2) Political Science
Corps of Cadets
54 college credits all 4.0 at Lone Star CC.

Not sure what my chances are for CS admittance as a Freshman. I am only 16 and my parents will only let me go if I am in the Corps. I want to go subs in the Navy so the choice is one I want anyhow. If I am deferred for Fall 2020 should I apply as a transfer?
Additionally are Corps applicants looked at separately from non-Corps admissions ?

Thanks in advance.