TAMU Class of 2024 - Admission Decisions/Discussion

@CAPSgt corps interests has no bearing on acceptance. Have you looked at tamu galveston? Their corps is navy and being a smaller school, might fit you well being younger than most. Here’s a link. http://www.tamug.edu/corps/

You shouldn’t have any trouble getting in there with your rank and act. You will have a harder time with your act score getting into tamu main campus engineering. Tamu Galveston is the only other tamu campus that gives you full access to main campus (sports, Aggie ring, etc). Just a thought.

If you choose to wait, the only way to apply as a transfer is to take college courses after high school graduation. And they want a full semester completed before consideration. Problem for you would be how many credits you already have.

@AggieMomhelp thank you for the info. I will check out Galveston. I will see what happens with admissions and make a decision from there.
This forum is very informative. Thank you for your efforts in answering everyone’s questions.

@AggieMomhelp one more question if I may? Since I was ranked by A&M as 1st Qtr could I take the residual ACT in Nov at CS and if I score the 30 27/27 would I then be considered Academic Admit?
Assuming my test scores are transmitted by the Dec 1 deadline. I was told they probably would be.
Thank You

Yes - since you’re top 25%, getting the required SAT or ACT score by Dec 1st would put you into Academic Admit. That’s the best shot at automatically getting into College Station.

This is the final year that A&M will have the Academic Admit category. It’s absolutely worth trying for the target score, especially with A&M offering the Residual ACT and scoring it back so quickly. Good luck & keep us posted! ??

So I’m having a dilemma…and sorry for all the questions… but my app is not done(still looking over essaysWhich I completed) and I’m not sure whether I should wait for my score to come in and then apply or if I should rush in my app.
Btw I am applying for CoE
1380 SAT( 610 EBRW, 770 Math)
Top 18%
Finished all AP math and science classes except physics 1 with As (Physics 2, Cal BC, compsci A, physics C four year of engineering classes)

you should you should submit everything NOW or CoE won’t even be an option. You can always send your new score once you get it. But the deadline for all engineering is Tuesday!

Engineering deadline is not the 15th. That’s priority only. Dec 1st is the deadline for all students. But I do agree… get your app in now. I really don’t understand why students are waiting. Especially those that are auto or academic. Seriously. Get it in. Supply the new scores as they come in.

I know my frustration may be coming though on this post, but seriously guys. Early bird gets the worm. Let’s do this!!! Oh and good luck, I’m truly rooting for all of you. ?

So if I apply on October 20 for example is it equivalent to applying on December 1 in the eyes of admissions officers? I don’t know if it’s a stupid question but I seriously doubt I can turn in an essay I’m confident with By Tuesday. Also I just sent my scores today.

I’ve got a Masters from TTU and a daughter at UTD. Both schools have strengths. They are just really different. TTU is much more like TAMU - in that the whole Lubbock community rallies around the University and it is very much a traditional college experience. (Football - division 1 sports).

My take on UTD thus far: It is a highly academic setting with solid support. It is extremely ethnically diverse. Way more so than TTU or TAMU. DO NOT listen to people who say it is a commuter campus unless they have been there in the last 5 to 7 years. It is not the same school it was before the 5 freshmen dorms were built. There is a waitlist for freshman housing if you don’t meet the deadline. It has national ranked Chess and Gaming teams.

While both schools have research opportunities - research is more in the DNA of UTD (considering it was founded as a research based grad school in the '60s).

I have two kids - One that UTD is a perfect fit. The other would much prefer the TTU experience.

There is a solid population of international students - but a lot of them are graduate students. There is a larger population of Asian American undergraduates. I don’t have time to look up the data right now - but people look at the campus and see “international” when they are really looking at American citizens.

@Gargantuan65m as far as priority or not, yes. Oct 20th is just like dec 1st. But once admissions gets through academic and auto admits, they start reviewing holistic. If yours comes in along with the masses on dec 1st then it pushes back the chances of when they are able to review it. The end result may be the same, but that’s just my thought on the matter. ?

@laurarwrites - I just checked the common data set at UTD and TAMU

At TAMU 1% of first year freshmen are international at UTD it is 4.8% - So it is more at UTD. But I would not say that less than 5% is a large population of international students.

I live about a mile from UTD and the campus is beautiful… becoming more beautiful each year. The students there are in the community and work at many of the restaurants and retailers close by.

UTD is also a great school. Note this article and specifically the quoted passage below:


My son got 6 tabs today!

@sarah96ag that is great! Looking back a few pages I see your son is a home schooler? Me too. He and I almost have identical data points, i.e dual-credit, GPA same age too.
Your son’s ACT 33 is wonderful. I got a 28 and hope to have another try in Nov to bump up the score. I decided a bit late to try for TAMU this year as I was going to attend USNA (Dad’s Alma) but fell in love with Corps and A&M.
When did you apply? Also I assume your son was Academic Admit?

Howdy! New here! Would love some calming advice…

Son applied the day applications opened.
Biology Major
Rank #3 out of 25 (so he just missed auto admit)
Dual Credit: 60 hours (no idea if this matters)
Extra: LOTS

What do y’all think? Good chances? He is a nervous wreck. So disappointed that his rank dropped this Summer. He has been #2 for 3 years.

I have been trying to read & figure all this out…it seems he is a “review” application & won’t find out until December? Am I right?
First time college parents- Thanks!

@kk2024 From what I learned here, the best chance for your son will be to retake SAT at A&M, and hopefully can get 1360 mark.

@kk2024 I’m assuming your son goes to an early college hs? I go to one so I understand the stress lol, I’m just right outside of top 10% as well. He is a review admit cause of his scores (I’m one too). Just be glad he’s not trying for a more competitive major like engineering or business, review admits rarely get accepted into those majors. Has he tried the ACT? Some people are better at one test than they are the other, that was definitely the case for me (1160 SAT, 29 ACT, 31 superscore). Good luck to your son and let me know if you have any questions pertaining to the ACT or ECHS side of things!

Yes he attends early college hs. He has taken the SAT 2x and that was his best score. He can take ACT again in December. Will that be too late? Just signed up to take SAT again in November.

If his class rank increases any time this year will he get in? The #2 just got his acceptance letter. If he doesn’t get in and things change…then what?

@kk2024 not sure about whether or not taking the ACT in december would get the scores in on time, but if he’s taking the SAT again in November, he may be just fine. Just be sure to study, study, study! Watching SuperTutorTV on YouTube helped me out a lot, especially when it came to crunch time.

Sadly, his class rank going up will have no effect in the admissions process. The admissions office sees the rank that he had at the end of his junior year/the one he applied with (yeah, it sucks, especially since mine recently went up). Has he applied anywhere else just in case? UTD or maybe one of the other A&Ms is definitely worth looking into if he hasn’t.

@kk2024 The application deadline for Fall 2020 is December 1. All other required documents will be accepted through December 15. Make sure you get everything in by then.