TAMU Class of 2024 - Admission Decisions/Discussion

@kk2024 If the deadline falls on a weekend( like this year) the application will remain open until 11:59 PM (CST) on the following Monday. This does not apply to the Early Action Deadline for engineering. Additional required documents will be accepted until 5:00pm (CST) on that Monday.

@kk2024 have him the residual act taken at tamu campus. Scored within 24 hours. Works only for Tamu. Search on this site and you’ll find the info. Or google residual act tamu. Sorry I’m traveling.and can’t pull it.

@kk2024 spoke with testing dept at TAMU today. She has not ordered the tests yet but she expects a second week in Nov test date. First few days of Nov she said to call back and she should be ready.
That would be the last shot at bolstering the ACT scores for this admissions cycle.
tel: 979-845-0532

@CAPSgt He applied sept12!

@kc5402 A&M doesn’t offer the SAT anymore. They do offer the ACT and their next one is sometime in November. They haven’t set a date yet but will know one by November 5th.

Thanks for all the helpful info! Will check into the on campus testing & the you tube tutoring!!

All of his documents have been submitted.

I hope this doesn’t come across wrong
I promise I don’t mean it to sound harsh

It is just very hard watching his friends (that go to other bigger schools)who have much lower SAT scores, way lower GPAs, hardly any extracurricular activities, no community service,etc. getting acceptance already because they are top 10
out of 300. But because he only has a few classmates, his top 10% is only 2 students. (AND they are separated by .07) We are so happy for anyone getting to be an Aggie! But just wish it didn’t seem so biased against small schools.

I sincerely thank each one of you for the advice!

@kk2024 absolutely 100% agree on the rank thing. It sucks, but it’s one of the cons of going to an ECHS they don’t tell you before you sign up. If I could redo my entire high school career, I probably would, even just to get better stats. I mean, I’m grateful to get a lot of college credits out of the way, but when those credits don’t transfer to 90% of schools I want to go to, I have no AP credits, my extracurriculars aren’t what I wanted, and my GPA and ACT would probably be higher if I had gone to a larger school, I kinda wish I would’ve chosen a different path. That’s why I’m trying to make the most of what I have by applying to the highest ranked schools that I’m both interested in and that’ll take me. In a perfect world, I’d be headed to Columbia University next year, but at least I got some college credits over with.

I’m not sure if it is an ECHS ( I think I misspoke) 
it is just our local high school. They send the JR/SR students to the local community college & the school pays for it. Students will take ENG1301 instead of high school English etc. All classes transfer.

His extracurricular have been limited, but proudly he made the most of it and even won a State Championship in UIL. (Not with a team)
He didn’t have any other options but to attend the local high school as he would have to transfer into a surrounding school & they weren’t accepting transfers. Also, this high school is by far the best high school in our county.
I’m so glad that he has worked so hard for what he has accomplished
it just seems like many students didn’t work as hard & were easily accepted.
He has applied to other schools, TAMU is for sure his first choice! I know we will be thankful for any school he is lucky to attend! Good luck to you!

kk2024- I understand that it can be frustrating to wait for acceptance, but to say that it seems like many students didn’t work as hard as your son, is just wrong. Many ( most) kids work hard, as hard or even harder than your son, some get in and some are not that lucky. I’m sorry but I have to disagree with your statement.

I truly wish your son acceptance to TAMU. Good luck to your son!

I understand your position & thank you for respectfully disagreeing . But, it is often a situation that is not discussed. If there are 600 kids in a graduating class, 60 are auto accept. Where as in a class of 20 only the top 2 get in. It seem like he has to fight harder because he is at a small school. That was the point I was trying to make.

This has just been what he has experienced in his close circle. I know that the huge majority of Aggies work super hard to get in. I truly meant no disrespect to anyone that has truly worked & achieved. I gave the example of what is happening to my son. His friends even pointed out that “they didn’t even have to try to get in” I know that’s not what all experience.

No - 10% is 10%. In a larger class there are more people accepted - but there is more competition.

This comes up every year. The big competitive school vs small schools vs easy school districts. I’m sorry but this argument needs to be dropped. If your student is strong, your student will end up where they will thrive. It may be freshman year or it could be after transferring. It is where you end up. Be happy and comforted that your student is prepared for rigorous studies. That will be what matters most. Being upset about the process does no one any good and can taint your students view point about themselves and their peers.

Hug your babies cause they’re about the fly the coop and soar.

kk2024- my son started in very competitive HS, he had over 900 kids in his class to compete against . Yes, that time he scored in 9.7%, but it was just crazy competitive, do you know how many AP classes he had to take and to have pretty much straight A’s to be in his rank? His district prepped them since middle and JH school, his credits started in middle school already. You would say 900 kids, not that bad, yeah try again. He hardly made it to 10%. Last year my son got ill and Thank God, he’s feeling much better and is on the mend, but it “ruined” his GPA ( now he has 4.1 ) school took him out of AP classes, they were not willing to provide him with AP classes at home and last semester ( second semester of Junior year) we moved him to different school. Even thru his illness he was able to have straight A’s all year, even it’s from regular classes( except AP Spanish) he was able to keep his AP Spanish class after 4 years of learning. This year he’s back to AP classes and local college( he takes Physics for fun) :-)) Sometimes I wonder if he’s my son lol. In his Senior year he is able to take 5 AP classes in his new school. But it will never give him back his “lost jr year” and his GPA, he even lost his 10%, because of his regular classes. Now he was at 11% in his new school( end of junior year). He scored 31 on ACT with his “foggy brain” from medications he was taking. He got frustrated, because he’s much more than ACT/SAT score number, but it is what it is. He’ll take another ACT soon, but that’s really not necessary anymore. He was prepping for MIT since middle school. That was his dream school. Of course he lost his dream school together with his rank and classes in junior year. He knows that. His ACT score is extremelly low for MIT, he knows his limits! He got academic admission to A&M, which he loves. He always loved TAMU, and it was always his 2nd choice school. He will see about engineering, he doesn’t know if he will be admitted or not. But anyway he’s strongly considering to change his major to Physics. He just loves Physics:-) We will see, he still has time.
Why am I writing such a long story? I apologize for writing such a romance:-) Please, do not take this story as bragging, it’s not my intention.! YES, I’m very proud of my son. He is my beautiful boy who was willing to fight thru all of this in his young life. But my son realized, there are limits, there are much smarter, or more qualified , harder than him working kids. But he also realized, he did his best and not always it’s enough to get you where you would love to be. And it’s OK.! He will be happy in A&M, doesn’t matter in engineering or physics. If your son did his best, he should be proud and he will be happy in any college he choose and get in. Sure, there are maybe some kids who got in easy, but they will be weed out, there’s a competition in college like TAMU, or they got there maybe because they are more competent than others. There will be always " fight harder, work harder". Believe me, I’m not that crazy about these days competition and chances either, but unfortunately, we can’t do anything about it. Just vent :slight_smile:

kk2024- don’t worry, it will turn out excellent, exactly how it suppose to and your son will be happy. Good luck !

Thank you so much!!! We visited TTU today and it was great! Next stop is TAMU during National Scholar Day and UTD after that.

Well said.

It’s great to hear your experience living near the campus.

We did not start looking at UTD until the realization, that even if my daughter did get into TAMU as a review student - she would NOT get her major of choice. Visualization appears to be second to MAYS in terms of the major filling up due to limited spots. It was filled the past two years (in late sept or early nov) prior to the first wave of admission of review candidates. So only Auto and academic admits.

UTD was a surprise gem. As the link you posted shows just how “new” the undergraduate program really is. And the unique way it grew - that has led it to have slightly better incoming first time freshman test scores than TAMU.

She just started this year - so I don’t know how everything will end up down the road - But so far we have been extremely pleased with how things are going. It is really a student centered community.

If a football program is an important part of your college experience, then UTD is not for you. But for the freshmen of today - it is not the “commuter college” experience that is was as recently as 6 to 10 years ago.

(And for people familiar with PSA and UT’s equivalent CAP - UTD is not a CAP school. It is a stand alone tier 1 research institution)

Sorry, SRAR rank question
if my daughter’s school does NOT rank , but yet they tell us the breakdown of quartiles by GPA , should we put that she is in top 25% in SRAR (which she is, but she doesn’t have a rank individual #) ? You can list your percentile in SRAR without a certain rank # (which her school doesn’t provide) OR you can select " This school does not provide rank information or I do not know it."

My son got accepted today (6 tabs yesterday)! He is still in Engineering Review

When did you apply: sept 12
Class Rank: top 10%
SAT (with Sub Scores)
ACT (with Sub Scores) 33
When did you receive your admission decision: Oct 15
Are you an Auto-admit or Academic Admit or Review Admit: auto
Major/College of Choice: Engineering

sarah96ag- congratulations :slight_smile:

I would say “This school does not provide rank information” since you don’t know the actual rank. I say that because the percentile could be 25.1% or 50% for a second quarter rank. Or 1%-25% in a top quarter rank - so if you fill in a percentage - you are naming a specific rank (which you do not know) versus a range.